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Question: How did you find out that Snape killed!? [Spoiler]!?
If you haven't read this sixth book, don't read the rest of this!.

Anyway, my question is, what unique way did you find out that Snape killed Dumbledore!? Besides reading the book!.

The day after the book came out, this kid in my band class ran in literally screaming, "Snape killed Dumbledore!" Over and over again!. When he finally calmed down, I was like, "Hey!. I haven't bought it yet!. Why would you ruin it!?" He looked at me and just said, "I dunno, but Snape killed Dumbledore!." The entire rest of the day, I heard him randomly yelling it through the hallways!. A spoiler, yes!. But, it was hilarious!. The obsessive fans got so mad at him!.
But, yeah!. That's how I found out!.
I still cried when I read it though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I'll admit, I just read the book!.

Now, on the other hand!.!.!.My BFF was borrowing the book from me after I had finished it, and she just flipped through the book, and it automatically landed on the page where it happens!. She started crying, whining about it being spoiled, the whole shebang!. Heh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got the book at the midnight release and finished it within 6 hours, so it was a complete shock to me!. It wasn't spoiled for me!.

But I knew from the second I read it that Snape wasn't really evil!. I totally called the whole "Dumbledore arranged it with Snape so that Malfoy wouldn't have to kill him" thing :D!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*sigh* has anyone gone to entrance 9 and 3/4 somewhere in London to see if some people with owls are looking around!? I still can't get over Harry Potter series being finished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I found out the same way as the people above me!. I bought the book at midnight and had it finished later that day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got the 6th book until the day it came out!. The whole 1st day it came out, i was wondering how dumbledore dies!. I found out that dumbledore had died by some blabbermouth who decided to be kind and not say who though!. I thought it would have been mouldy old voldy(lmao), who came back in some way (probably through Hogsmeade; remember, like hermione says "No apparation In or whithin the grounds of hogwarts!", god, i'll never forget that)!!! Anyways, I thought he would come back and finish dombledore off, but misses harry in some sort of weird way like how it happend in gof and ootp!
Wild Guess, Eh!?
Anyway, my favourite book is hbp, and always will be!

Rock on Harry Potter!!!

-Obbsessed Harry Fans ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com