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Question: Twilight Comic-con!?
What is a comic-con!?
I heard about the Twilight one & how we will be able to see it on Sm's site tommorow morning!.!.!.



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's some comic book convention for, as Creed said, all the comic book nerds go (and by the way, THE DARK KNIGHT WAS AWESOME!. I've already seen it three times :D!. Lol!. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! Heath Ledger is pretty much my hero now, hence the avatar)!. Twilight is going to be featured in it this month!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There isn't a Twilight comic-con!. Twilight is just one of the books featured in this month's one!.

Comic-Con International: San Diego, commonly known as Comic-Con or the San Diego Comic-Con, is an annual multigenre fan convention founded as the Golden State Comic Book Convention and later the San Diego Comic Book Convention in 1970 by Shel Dorf and a group of San Diegans!. Originally showcasing comic books, science fiction/fantasy and film/television (as was evident by the three circled figures appearing in Comic-Con's original logo), and related popular arts, the convention has expanded over the years to include a larger range of pop culture elements, such as horror, anime, manga, animation, toys, collectible card games, video games and webcomicsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Comic-Con is a comic book convention!. Its also a video game convention but its mostly comic books!. And it'll probably be a webfeed on how we'll see it on SM's siteWww@QuestionHome@Com

comic con is where every comic book geek in america go to hang out and talk about marvel or dc comics or to talk about movies like the dark knight or video gamesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Comic con = Comic Book Convention

They've had it annually for like 25-30 years in San Diego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some comic convention!? GO JACOB!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Comic convention!. By the way TEAM JACOB RULES!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team EDWARD!Www@QuestionHome@Com