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Question: Guy writing a romance book!?!?
Ok, i'm a guy writing a romance book, weird right!? I like the plot of my book, and its based on this one girl i've had a crush on for some what a long time!. We're grades apart in school, and i miss her becasue i'm in high school, and she's still in junior high!. THere is a lot in this book, and a lot riding on this book!. THe plot is a girl who doesn't brake up with her cheating boyfriend, and finds this kind of mysterious older guy who had a crush on her before, he and her have intimate moments together, until both her boyfriend and the guy find out that she was only going out with the older guy to piss off the boyfriend, but that's not is, she really loves him, and then the boyfriend attempts to murder the girl, but misses and kills the older guy!. Would you buy it!? Even though its written by a guy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Can guys write romances!?!? Hmmmm--
William Shakespeare wrote the old Montague vs Capulet story (aka "Romeo and Juliet")
Erich Segal wrote "Love Story"
Richard Curtis wrote the romantic screenplays for "Notting Hill" and "Love Actually"
Nicholas Sparks wrote "Nights In Rodanthe" (a new novel out)
Last but not least, even male supermodel from Italy--Fabio--has tried his hand at writing romance novels!.

As for myself, all my stories are written from the MALE point-of-view, and in 1st person ("My name is Jack Donohue, and I am a hitman!.!.!." sort of thing)!. My English professor in college said she'd never believed a woman could write that way-- until she read some of my stories for her classes--and "pull it off" or make it sound believable!. So, to me, WHO writes the book doesn't make any difference, as long as he or she can hold my interest!. Sounds like a good plot, but be careful about those typos (and use your spell-check; a good thesaurus/dictionary so you don't use the same phrases over and over again) ; and don't drag it on forever!. Have a beginning, middle, and a good ending!.

PS--ANTICLIMACTIC (or anticlimax) means "of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style"; or
"a disappointing, weak conclusion after an impressive start!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's awesome because you just killed yourself!. In a book!.
More importantly:
Guys write romance all the time; that is fine!.
I think it should be something more!.!.!. uh, cruel than "missing" when the cheating boyfriend kills the older guy!. An accident seems anticlimactic!.
Still it sounds pretty cool!. ^^
I don't read romance, so I probably wouldn't read it personally, but I think it could be good!.

Good luck with the book and especially with the girl! ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!. I love the hell out of that plot!.

And you being a guy isn't weird at all!. Many very famous romance novelists are men!.

I'd buy it!. Heck, I'd buy fifteen copies of it, and hand 'em out before even reading it for myself!. I love the idea!. Finish it!. Tell me the title!. Let me know when it's released!. I MUST read this book!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow i would read that book the plot seems really good!. i actually would read the book right now if i had it!.

And i dont think its weird that your a guy writing a book like that, i actually would want to read it more, because i'd be interested in how a guy views relationships etc!.


A guy writing a romance novel isn't weird at all!. One of the best selling romance novelist is Nicolas Sparks, the writer of the Notebook and millions love his work!. Don't ever let gender control whether you write something or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I won't buy it!. I mean, the plot wasn't "enough" or it's just very little!. I like twists on the story, that's all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate romance novels!. it doesn't matter if a guy writes it!. I like books with dark overtones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being male has nothing to do with it!. Look at Nicolas Sparks-- he's based his entire career off of writing romance novels!. If it's good, people will buy it no matter what your gender is :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

sex has nothing to do it from my point of view
but you would probably have a pen name for those who doWww@QuestionHome@Com

of course it doesn't matter that you're a guy! readers don't care!. as long as your book is enticing, then it'll sell!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com