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Question: Book mailing!?!?
Well i have 2 questions!.
A while back i found this add on a book club where you would pay a monthly fee and you would get books through the mail!.(or something like that,cant remember good)
1st question: what websites/company do this!?
2nd question:Do they do that with manga!?!?
p!.s please post links if possible:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. www!.booksfree!.com (that's the one I use)

Booksfree has manga!. Don't know how good the selection is as I don't read it!. You can take a look even if you are not subscribed to their service!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Sci-Fi book club has graphic novels - good luck !.[I did not find one for manga !.]