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Question: Anyone NOT like the Twilight books!?
Just curious and if not, why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I first read them I was hooked!. When I read them again I could better understand why people didn't like them!. they do have alot of detail that isn't directly related to the story (hearing about edward's beauty over and over, Bella cooking) overall a VERY descriptive series!. I personally like this because it helps you really get into it and I think this is why everyone can relate or at least think they can relate!.

There are also the people who claim it is too childish!. I'll admit it was very easy to read and it comes off as a very yound adult novel but there are much more mature themes too it that adults can appreciate and I'm sure the young readers will learn to appreciate it even more as they age!.

I am personally out of the typical age range for the series but I still really enjoyed it and definately appreciate it for the deeper meaning!. Oh and I'll admit that my inner thirteen year old self can't help but swoon for Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!.well, the Twilight books are OK, but I wouldn't consider myself to be a Twilighter yet!. Idk, I see the books as sometimes rambling and poorly written!. IMO, Meyer sometimes takes an awful long time to get to the point, and by the time she does, I've lost interest!. The story just seems a little too perfect sometimes, but then the simplest solution solves all their problems!. also, lol, the fandom, mostly being girls, can't stop drooling over Edward, who er, is fictional! I also liked Twilight the best; New Moon and Eclipse took me forever to read!.!.!.Idk, maybe the whole concept of vampires and werewolves just aren't appealing to me!.!.!.Harry Potter is always gonna be the best! ;) So, I do like the Twilight series, but I dislike them for a few reasons!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like them and I don't hate them either!. I don't hate them, because there's nothing to hate!. I don't like them because people who don't like them that much (like me) will get clobbered and bashed by at least one of them that do like them, because we have a few negatives to point out about the book, and at least one of them can't and will not accept that!. I read them, I won't deny that, they're good for a few days, but it's not worth all the hype and froufrou!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are the best books I have ever read, I love Edwards character SOO much!. And for those haters out there, just because you don't have something like Edward and Bella doesn't mean you have to trash the book!. If you say he is an abuser he is not, he is trying the best he can NOT to hurt her, and so far he is succeeding!. Abuser's abuse because they don't like their relationship and if he didn't like his relationship he wouldn't propose now would he!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of people do not like it!. The fact that a book is hyped to death or is a bestseller doesn't mean anything at all!. To give an example, Nora Roberts is the bestselling adult romance author out there!. She literally has the Midas touch!. Book that she writes book that lands on the best seller list!. Books of her that are re-issues, land on the best seller lists!. However, I can't stand her style!. I have tried many times over!. I just can't deal with her books!. What is a masterpiece to me, could be the biggest piece of trash ever written to someone else!. Taste in books is an extremely subjective thing!. Never forget that!. Frankly, insults on the part of people that hate Twilight and insults on the part of Twilight fans are uncalled for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never had any inclination to pick one up!. I don't read children's books!. After seeing all the enthusiasm on this site I did check the web and get an overview of what they're all about and frankly they sound awful!. Teenage angst, vampire escapism, werewolves!? Yawn!. Nothing that hasn't been done before!. No thanks!. There is 3000 years worth of great literature out there I don't see myself wasting any time on Twilight!.

Still, if it gets the kids reading they can't be all bad!. So enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just think the book is overrated!. I read them, and they are not good!. I don't understand what all the hype is about!. They are like any other book I read, well!.!.!. no, I don't read romance stories, which could be why I don't like it!. I hate melo-dramatic love stories!.!.!. and this was one of them!.
I don't think it is a good example for relationships!. Edward is an abuser in a way!. I also think that Bella needs to snap back into reality!. Seriously, she can live without Edward!.!.!. but she claims she can't!. Ugh! That makes gag!.
All in all, this book is not what everyone makes it out to be, and I am getting sick of all the Team Edward/Jacob crap!. It's a book and people don't seem to understand that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight was very good and New Moon was interesting!. But, Ecllipse is kind of boring!. I like them at first, but then they got a little bit repetative and monotonous!. I am in the middle of Ecllipse right now so I hope it pulls together at the end!. Just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was arguing with this person who hated the twilight series and edward cullen

she said edward was annoying and the books are poorly writtren

i was like wtf!?
edward cullen is amazing!
and its written so well

i love the twilight series soo muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Me!. I ahve no intrest in Vampires, and I've discovered I always hate popular books!. Harry Potter, Twilight, Series of Unforunate Events!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're okay, but too much teenage angst and mary sueness!. I'm mean, a sparkling boyfriend who can practicly fly and makes you faint because he kisses so good!? I like the strait forward, easy to read, writing style though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its terrible! Never read such rubbish!. Vampires who are vegetarian just don't do it for me! Yes I have read the first and I have the next two that a friend bought me - they won't be read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight books are my favorite!. There amazing!
I cant wait for Breaking Dawn! and the movie!
I know there must be some people who dont like it but i think there crazy!. I never get tired of thoughs books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i personally LOVE the Twillight series!. but not to the point where i'm extremely obssessed with it [i know people that are die hard fans & actually think they're going to meet Edward Cullen(not even exaggerating)]!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are really good and I would dare argue against people who would say they aren't!. It has suspense, action, romanace, drama, almost all in the same package!.


how could people not like them!?!
there soooooooo good!
im reading new moon, i fell asleep last night reading it because i was really bored!. lol!. things are boring now that edward is gone!. i miss him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they're amazing, i've read the first one five times, and the third one three, but that's just my opinion!.

Oh, and I'm in love with Jasper!.

no way!. Everyone loves Twilight!. If anyone thinks differently i will agree with them when pigs fly and One hundread dallor bills fall from the sky :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes many people dont because they say
-Its boring
-Poorly written

Personally i love it and the way its written!.!. But people have different opinions about things so yeah!.!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the book, but I'm not obsessed like a lot of
people on here!.

I'll talk about it, but I won't be like "OMG Edward is
so hawt!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

My friend Kristin doesn't like Twilight books bc she says it takes the author way too long to say what she wants to sayWww@QuestionHome@Com

No Twilight is awesome!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the twilight books are amazing!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To ask this question in this section is just asking for trouble!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they dont then theyr stupidWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am a 16 year old girl and I don't like the series at all!.!.!.
My reasons, well you would disagree with me greatly but this is my opinion please respect it!

1- Stephanie Mayers just dreamed about Twilight and started writing, she didn't plan her plot, and mark my words this affected her plot severely!.

2- Stephanie's style of writing though some may find it good, is very weak, she uses the words too often and she writes three chapters each time she wants to describe how good looking Edward is!. She frequently adds a big word to simple sentences just to make it look more professional, and that's what middle schoolers do!.

3-Stephanie's saga is basically for young females who didn't read many books to be able to judge with a professional point of view, though I don't call myself a professional, nor am I belittling any reader!.

4-Stephanie's plot isn't new, well I don't call human\vampire affection new, that is used in many books!. Since vampires are known to be very seductive and lustful!.

5-Stephanie's characters well not all of them, but most, are very annoying and rather dimwitted, I wish not to relate to them to tell you the truth!.

6-What morals can you learn from it, list ONE GOOD moral and I'll back out, let me tell you what I learned from it:

# Females are stupid, whiny and they should have no dreams or ambitions, they should lust the perfect man and that's it!.

# You have two men fighting over you, then you have succeeded in becoming the perfect female, and may the dominant male win!.!. Like animals you see!

# You should forget your friends, your loved ones for this so called perfect man!.

# Men should be abusive, controlling and obsessive to the point that they sabotage your car so you don't go out, to the point that they jump and look at you when you're sleeping!.!. To these creepy points, that scares me just by reading them!.

That's my opinion!Www@QuestionHome@Com