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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Use of Norse characters in my book, but differs from actually mythology. Plus a

Question: Use of Norse characters in my book, but differs from actually mythology!. Plus a couple other questions!.!?
Ok I am writing a book based on the norse Ragnarok, but I changed it around so it's war with the mortals (dvergar, svartálfar, humans, trolls, draugr, and giants) not with the gods!. Although the gods do play a role in the books, it's sort of them standing back and letting the people of Midgard have at it!. One idea I had was having one of the kingdoms try to regain favor with Odin, and so create an army called the Einherjar, whom use spears, which is Odin's weapon of choice!. I know they're supposed to be warriors in Valhalla, but I figured it would fit the story more since they were supposed to fight in Ragnarok, but instead be mortal, not spirits!.

Does this sound like it could work!? I personally like it, but would like some feedback!.

also, does anyone know the other names of the halls like Odin's Valhalla and Hel's éljúenir!?

Another thing, what was the Valkyries role in Ragnarok!? I can't seem to find anything about them, other then they guide the souls of the fallen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds annoying to anyone acquainted with Norse mythology, while incomprehensible to those who aren't!.

I'm not some purist, but I have read translations of the few actual records we have of Norse mythology as well as some stellar retellings of the sagas and the idea of modifying Ragnarok and the Norse Gods into a pseudo-Iliad seems a bit lame!. Ragnarok as a war of the Gods is a pretty central idea to the myths and the meaning of the term Ragnarok is literally "The Fate of the Gods" or the "Twilight of the Gods!." If the Gods aren't in the war, why call it Ragnarok!?

I guess my point is, You'd be better off just using the Norse mythology in the book, but leaving out the Ragnarok angle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds interesting and like it could work very well so long as you let it!.
My advice is try writing a chapter or so and see if it's working if it is continue!. If it isn't look and see why it isn't and if it's because of the plot or something else then deal with the problem and see where that leaves you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they just fight alongside Wotan/Odin, as they won't have to guard the Rheingold anymore!.

Sounds pretty cool!. And, as a sidenote: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Too_HumanWww@QuestionHome@Com

(yawn) Why do so many of these "writers" need help writing!? I think there just "wannabe's" who have learned how to spell wierd names and are trying (in vain) to impress somebody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com