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Question: Anyone have any good story/plot ideas!?
I like writing short stories a lot, but lately i've had writers block and it won't go away!. Anyone have any ideas for a plot!?

(preferably not fantasy, but heck, even that might give me an idea or two, so yeah)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best way to overcome writers block is right when you wake up and before you get out of bed!
also, the best way to find a story idea is by reading your local newpaper, or magazine's that you like!.

I'd recommend a short story about the war, about a war, about a kid whose going through hard times with his or hers parents, or someone whose homeless!. Even write a story idea about the environment like global warming, or something similar to that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, not sure how you'll like this, but for awhile now I've had the idea of a day in the life of a woman that works for a high-ranking politician and has to go through all of these crazy things to pander to different people and fulfill different promises!.
Kinda dark-comedy-ish
Wow, that sounds pretty stupid now that I wrote it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had an idea a few minutes ago!.!.!. lol
It starts out from a male's perspective, and he sees what must be the most beautiful woman in the world!. I imagined it in a sort of courtly setting, and she's kind, considerate, helpful, polite!. You know, too perfect to be true!. He falls head over heels in love and proceeds to court the girl in a most gentlemanly fashion!.
Later, it switches to the girls point of view, and the first words are "God, men are such idiots!." In her own thoughts, you see that she's cruel, manipulative, and a skillful actress!.
I'm not sure where this was going or if I would use it (or if it's worth the effort), so it's yours!. ^__^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try picking up a newspaper, reading the first article that you see, and pulling out a character from it!. Imagine him/her in the same general scene and add a "what if!?" that changes the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com