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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Please Tell me what you think of this story. I'm 13 years old.?

Question: Please Tell me what you think of this story!. I'm 13 years old!.!?
I'm 13 years old!. I have written this book and don't try to steal it because it is copyrighted!. The beginning has nothing to do with the actual story, but I need to know what people think of my writing so far!. If I get enough and good comments, I will post more up here!. Feel free to tell me what's wrong and what I could fix!.
Summary of story posted so far- Emma lost her parents two years ago and she is dreaming about the moment they died, but right when the plane is about to hit her( twist in her nightmare) her sister wakes her up by splashing water on her face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would think it was good even if you didn't say you were thirteen so good job! The dream sequence is very riveting and interesting to me, but the intensity of that sort of dulled the actual beginning of the story!. But then, there's not much of the actual beginning on there, so I couldn't say for sure!. Your writing style is great, though! I love the description!. Keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is very well written, especially for a thriteen year old!. I would like to hear more!. It sounds interesting!. It was really good how you described things!. It seemed like it was actually happening!. Good!! :^)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG that was sooo good!. i am 14 years old and i love to read and write books!. It is so amazing!. keep writing please!.!.


It sounds really good and I hope I can read more some day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its good 4 a 13 year old!. no offense :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it!. It was really convincing!. You've got a lot of talent!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have a very good start but don't make it to much like "lord of the flies" lol it's really good and i am not saying that because your 13Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've exhibited good suspense in your tale!. Please continue with it while concentrating on needful punctuation, separation of paragraphs, and eliminating the stressed dialogue bearing all capital letters!.

Punctuation seems to be your weakness here so concentrate on that!.

p!.s!. We know the story is copyrighted the instant it is put into readable form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!.!.!.I'm impressed!.
I've never known anyone (especially a 13 year old) who could write that good!.

BTW: How'd you learn to write like that!?

I'm a writer myself--but I'll admit it----that dazzled me!.

(The first answerer is crazy!)Www@QuestionHome@Com