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Question: (For Twilighters only!) Edward or Jacob!?
Who is best for Bella!?

Best answer goes to the most thorough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward is more respectable!. He's willing to do whatever it takes to protect her even from himself (I'm all fresh on that part!. I just finished reading Ch 1 from Midnight Sun!)!. Bella kind of left an impression of being just a tad spoiled around the end of Eclipse but it's been a while since I read it, but I can remember Edward doing what she wanted to do but he did take charge when she was going to far and when he insist that they marry!. I appreciated that part!. Now Jacob, he is more rough around the edges, I mean he is a wearwolf!. He's more of a wreckless risk taker!. He cares about Bella and loves her also, but not like Edward can!. He'd let her get away with more!. Like when Edward moved away, Jacob let her ride the motorcycle for the thrill which Edward probably wouldn't have let her do!. Jacob also let his thoughts go a little out of control when the vampires and wearwolves were working together to hunt Victoria!. But pretty much, Bella is Edward's life and Jacob has his friends not that they're a bad influence or anything, but I don't sence the same chemistry with Jacob as I do Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are both very good for Bella!.

Edward: he cares for her and loves her more than anything, he will protect her, he makes her happy, his whole family loves her, he is beautiful, he does whats best for her, he loves her even though she has like a bazillion flaws, and they can live together forever (if he turns her into a vampire)

Jacob: they can have kids together, he can squeeze her when he gives her hugs without worring about squashing her, he can keep her warm, their like best friends so that's always good to have a best friend also as a lover!.

But i think that Edward is so much better for Bella!. She cant live without him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob is Bella's freind nothing more!. Edward has made many more sacrafices for Bella than Jacob has!. Bella is in love with Edward!. Head over Heels , riding off into the sunset, lets have little Edwards love!. Bella would die for Edward and Edward would gladly do the same for her!. And he would have had she not stoped him in italy!. Edward and Bella are soul mates!. Jacob needs to either just except it or butt out of the situation!. He's been jealous of Edward from the start!.

Edward is defenitely a better match for Bella than Jacob is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spoilers, maybe!.!.!.:

Jacob is better, because he knows what he wants and is determind to get it!. His "eyes on the prize" so to speak!. Edward was just always there!. Jacob is dangerous, and so is Edward!. Being with the vampires is so risky!. I bled 3 times today, I don't know how Bella could possibly make it through a day (especially with her being so clumsy) without bleeding or a bit of blood shed!. We all saw how quickly things got out of hand in New Moon on her 18th birthday!. It just gets more and more dangerous!. And in public places too, if someone bleeds just a bit, they will lose control!. It is very dangerous, and nothing can protect the humans from the vampires!. Except the werewolves!. Jacob, of course, is dangerous too!. If he loses control, he too could kill Bella!. But here's the thing: Bella has nightmares about getting older!. If she went with Jacob, she would get older and Jacob would stay young!. Perhaps Mike Newton!.!.!. lol!. I would love to see her with Jacob, but I would love to see her with Edward!. I am Switzerland :) also, Stephenie Meyer says that Bella will most likely stay with Edward in Breaking Dawn, so that's a plus :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who do I think is best!?
I'm going to have to go with Team Edward on this one!.

First off, even Bella said that without Edward, she has a hole in her chest!. Although Jacob had lessened the hole and 'plugged' up the hole, ultimately Edward healed it!. Jacob couldn't rid her of it, just lessened the ache she felt without Edward!.

Second, Jacob is way too jealous!. Jealousy isn't good for any relationship!. Jacob has to lessen up and stop repeating that he doesn't like 'the bloodsucker'!. Sure, Edward isn't much better and doesn't like the 'dog', but Jacob kinda assumes for Bella instead of Bella saying what she wants to say!.

I don't know how to describe it really!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He promised not to hurt her again and with Jacob he might imprint on an other girl so he could hurt her!. And Edward is so sweet and romantic and protective, while Jacob always lets her do crazy things like riding a motorcycle! And Edward would do ANYTHING for Bella!. Like stay with her during the fight, while Jacob wouldnt care about what she wants!. He would go fight anyways!. And Edward never tricked her!. While Jacob tricks Bella into kissing him and kisses her even when she didnt want to!. Plus, Edward could do much more!. He could go in her room at night and he could be by Bella's side in a matter of seconds!. Plus, Edward is way more polite and better mannered unlike Jacob!.

Edward+Bella= They are drugs to each other!.!. cant live with-out each other even for a day *Very Unhealthy* But if they cant live with out each other then they should be together even if its unhealthy

Bella+Jacob= They have fun! Jacob is someone who brightens her world *Healthier kind of love* But to bad she dont feel the same *well she does but she cant live with-out Edward* Even though i think she can if she tried!.!.

SOO i dont know!.!. both Edward and Jacob have a good reason to be with her!.!. They both LOVE and PROTECT Her!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

EDWARD all the way, I want someone as mysterious, playful, funny, cynical, weird as Edward!. The handsomeness isn't so bad either!. Jacob just seems a little obsessed !. Edward cared so much about Bella something Jacob would never be able to do he wouldn't have that passion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward *sigh* I guess!.!.!. They are adorable together and they can't 'live' without each other!. Sorry Jacob!.!.!. Honestly!.!.!.!.

This is what I think:
I really want to shoot Edward for leaving Izzie [Bella] I wanna push Izzie off a cliff teaching her that she was an idiot in new moon And tie Jacob to a tree so he wont be able to save her and Edward will be too brain damaged by the bullet in his brain to even notice i pushed her off a cliff

My sad mind lol! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob all the way!!! I can't believe how many people are anti-Jacob!. He is a REAL man!. He is strong enough to let Bella go, even though he believes that he really loves her!. He is there for her always, even in the worst time of her life!. I probably won't get best answer for this, but I had to put it out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously love Twilight!.!.!.!. but these questions are just annoying me now!.

My prediction!? Jacob and Edward will turn gay for each other and Bella will go cry in a corner
(I love Twilight, but i think that Edward and Jacob are both too good for Bella, and so a came to this conclusion!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think edward is, he is alot nicer and more concered for bella, while jacob is almost as stubborn as bella!. Plus edward already proposed to bella and that would really hurt his feeling if she turned on him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

jacob just isnt right for bella!. and edward is better to bella, and he promised to keep her safe, and what does jacob promise!? NOTHING!, edward is better!.

and he's realllllly hot!.[but that isnt why i choose him =]]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob, he is my dream guy!. he is so sweet to bella, and still has a playful side!. he isnt all serious all the time, but still watches out for her constantly!.

I want bella with edward, but I love jacob so much more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward because if Bella chose Jacob he could imprint on someone else and leave her, just like what happened to Leah when Sam imprinted on Emily!. also, when Edward left on New Moon Bella was totally depressed which means she can't live without him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that edward is but when he left her (for the better) jacob was there to help!. idk i guess that they both have their own special characteristics, that are good for bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


All of those should answer your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


He's SO sweet and the only reason he left b4 is because he thought it was best for her and now that he knows he's made a mistake he wont do it agian!! their SO perfact for eachother!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward, definitely!. Jacob is too annoying and territorial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com






Edward is better! And it's not because of his looks!. But he is still sexy!Www@QuestionHome@Com