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Question: Chances of a 13 year old getting a book published!? If you're a writer please answer!?
Sorry for reposting, to everyone who answered my question called "Being a teenage Writer", if you answered that one then you do not need to answer this one, and I am very thankful to you for your time!.

Without further ado : I am a 13 year old girl living in England!. I have been writing since I could hold a pen and I love it so much!.

What are my chances of getting published!? I have written hundreds of short stories and poems, and 4 novels, one of which I have given you a link to in my blog!.
How do you think I should go about getting published!?

And what's your honest opinion on my work!? I know some people think it's utter nonsense and that I haven't a hope (namely my Dad, unfortunately)!.

The novel I've linked to isn't necessarily the one I intend to get published, as it's not the best, it's just the only one I have a link to on the web!.

Thankyou so much for your time!. I know you are all busy people and so thankyou so much!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello there! I answered your last post, but I fell that I have to answer again! ;)

I just want to say that I know it's hard especially when you have no support from the very people who are supposed to be supporting you! Despite that, you have to go on and realise your dream as you do have clear nutural talent!.

I was in the same boat as you, always loved to write but was always told that it would never amount to anythin!. but I had my first published article in a magazine when I was around 15 (not much older than you!)

Since then I have Written three novels (two of them self published), three cartoon series (one published) and innumerable short stories and poems! Much of my work is self published and available in paperback or as e-books!.!.!.

!.!.!.however, 12 years on I am still looking for an agent and that is the hardest part and it is something you need to prepare yourself for!

But I guess what I am trying to say is, If I can do it, you can!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have thought your dad would have been more supportive in your efforts, however, why not consult your English tutors at school to see if your work has any literary value, and if so, they may be able to help you to contact a publisher who would be willing to read your work!. I hope this helps Sarah, and the best of luck with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the advice others are giving you is good, and you seem more than smart enough to sort through and find what helps you the most!. The only thing I'd add is this: don't give up!. Literary history if full of examples of now famouse writers who had to submit a story or novel fifty times or more before getting published!. Onward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've had many poems published, but then just about anyone can get their poetry published these days with sites such as poetry!.com!.!.!.!.!.they will publish sh*t on a stick if it means they make money!.
But novels is a different ballgame, it's much harder to get your own novel published!.!.!.!.so im afraid i don't know
Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think that age is the main factor (christopher paolini was a bestselling novelist at 19 years old, which is pretty young)

it matters most of how good your stories are!. you should do some research on some publishers in your area then send multiple copies of your work out to them then see what happens!. good luck ! hope i could help you out :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


well i've never had a novel published but i've had a short story and 2 poems published and that was before i was 15 so GO FOR IT!

xxx good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your talented, i would aim your books at 11-14yrs olds, and i think it cant hurt at all to try get them published!.
Congrats xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that that you are talented, and I would love to read more of your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow that opening chapter is a hooker and i'm going to read this book!. It doesn't really matter what age you are TBBH as long as you write a good book!. I would send you things to alot of publishers!. I love books and I think this has potential!.

PS!. Instead of a colon it sould be a semi colon ( ; ) when you say the thing about math and geo teachers humiliating yo!. Colon is acceptable but it flows better with the semi colon and makes more sense grammatically!. Sorry if i'm being fussy!.

also i'm not sure if it's a mistake or part of the joke but you write XXXXL then say exra extra extra large!. there are 4 X and 3 extrasWww@QuestionHome@Com

I posted an answer to your earlier question too (hope that's ok!)!.

The best thing to do is to get a copy of the Writers and Artists Yearbook http://www!.amazon!.co!.uk/Writers-Artists-!.!.!. as you can then read through and highlight literary agents and publishers who publish the types of stories you write!. The book tells you if the publisher accepts unsolicited materials or not ("unsolicited materials" means novels that are sent directly from the author to the publisher, rather than via a literary agent)!. To find out more about literary agents, see: http://www!.bbc!.co!.uk/blast/writing/artic!.!.!.

Then you need to send them your work - sometimes they only want you to send a covering letter, synopsis of what the novel is about, and then the first three chapters!. If they like it they will write back and ask you to send the whole thing!.

Getting published is hard!. I don't mean to say that you are not talented, as you are, but for everyone, it is hard!. Publishers have "lists" of work they publish in a year, and they will only accept new novels if they have a space on their lists!. They may only have 2 or 3 spaces available each year, so it makes it very hard for them to select what to publish!.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't go for it!. I mean, look at it this way - it's their decision not to publish, not yours!. You can only help them out by giving them your material!.

And, as I mentioned before, you're a good writer!. Just watch the american thing (I don't mean to make you paranoid about it, but perhaps try changing the location of the novel or else try reading it out loud (you can even record yourself) and play it back to see how it sounds to you!.

I'm sure your dad is just concerned, cos he's aware of how hard it is and doesn't want you to be disappointed!.

Good luck with everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com