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Question: Why is it!.!.!.!.(about Twilight)!?
That when I ask for good FUNNY books to read, I am bombarded by Twilight fans!? Why does this book have such a huge following!? It is a bit poorly-written if you think about it!. She didn't write anything that hasn't already been done to death in a thousand other books!.

And once again, can anyone suggest a good, humorous novel, that has nothing to do with Twilight!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because there's a bunch of Twilight advocates on here!. If you diss it, they'll tell you that you've never read it!. I've gotten that before!. Heck, I've never read it!. But after hearing so much hype about it on here, there's no way I will ever read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, I bought and read it because everyone else did!. I think it was all in the timing, personally!. Harry Potter just ended, and a lot of people needed a new book to follow!. Twilight is reasonably well written, but not really!. And the Plot if just SO Original!.
For a good funny novel, I would Suggest, "Truckers" by Terry Pratchett, about Nomes!. Its very funny, and entertaining!.
It has two sequels, "Diggers," and "Wings"

also, the Book "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary Schmidt is very good!. It is a historical Fiction, about a boy named Holling, in his 7th Grade!. However Holling, being neither Catholic or Jewish, has to spend every single Wednesday, with his Teacher, Mrs!. Baker!. The book is about Holling, and is a wonderful story about the relationship there is, between that stern faced teacher, and the various students in her class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although a Twilight fan myself I am not going to get all defensive of my favourite book!. But I will tell you this- Twilight is extremely unique!. Most people (humans or otherwise) would give into desire, they would let love take it's course!. Edward and Bella are the exact opposite!. The book also let's readers visualize and almost feel the need to have someone there all the time and the feeling of being broken without them!. But obviously you prefer comedy and Twilight is definitely not comedic!. Depending on gender if you are a girl I would read "American Girl" by Meg Cabot if not I can't really help you as I tend to read more tragic/depressing than funny books!. Sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looking for Alaska by John Green is funny for the first half and overwhelmingly sad for the second half!. His other book An Abundance of Katherines is very funny and NOT overwhelmingly sad!.

The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich is very funny, and Meg Cabot books are funny too, albeit a little bit trashy!.

It's not really all that funny as it is humorous, but Scott Westerfeld's "Uglies" is a very good book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kudos to you!. Surely, these fangirls haven't read any other GOOD books!.

Have you tried "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"!? It's a very humorous read!. "Lamb" by Christopher Moore is another!.

Other humorous books:

"Catch-22" by Joseph Heller
"Stephanie Plum" series by Janet Evanovich
"Hypocrite in a Poufy White Dress" by Jane Gilman
"Truckers" by Terry Pratchett
"The Catcher in the Rye" by JD SalingerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can't answer the first question, aside from the fact that some Twilighters are just obsessive, and the books do have some funny one-liners!.

Have you read The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud!? It basically takes place in a world where magicians summon djinn, and a main character, a djinni named Bartimaeous, has an awesome sense of humor!.


Betrayed : a House of Night novel / P!. C!. Cast and Kristin Cast!.

Blood relatives / Ellen Schreiber!.

Blue bloods / Melissa de la Cruz!.

Chosen : a house of night novel / P!.C!. Cast and Kristin Cast!.

Companions of the night / Vivian Vande Velde!.

Dance with a vampire / Ellen Schreiber!.
Dangerous girls : a novel / by R!.L!. Stine!.

Dangerous girls : the taste of night : a novel / by R!.L!. Stine!.

Flawless : a pretty little liars novel / Sara Shepard!.

Kissing coffins / Ellen Schreiber!.

Marked / P!.C!. Cast and Kristin Cast!.

Masquerade : a Blue Bloods novel / Melissa de la Cruz!.

The silver kiss / Annette Curtis Klause!.

Stake that! / Mari Mancusi!.

Tantalize / Cynthia Leitich Smith!.

Vampireville / Ellen Schreiber!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like social satire you may like stuff by Chuck Palahniuk, Survivor is his best work in my opinion!. Although Invisible Monsters may be his "funniest"!.
People know him from his Fight Club novel!.

If you just want straight out comedy, I don't really know, sorry!.
If you want YA vampire romance, I recommend Twilight!.

I haven't read them yet, but I heard that books by Terry Pratchett are hilarious!. I recently got a few called Wintersmith, A Hat Full of Sky, and the Wee Free Men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight is a book that has a little funny in it but not alot!.
it has a big following because it is a good bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because Twilighters are LYK SO KOOL BY LYK RECC0M3NDING TWILIGHT!Www@QuestionHome@Com