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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What happens with jacob and bella at the end of eclipse? i dont get it!!?

Question: What happens with jacob and bella at the end of eclipse!? i dont get it!!!?
i dont understand what happens between jacob and bella at the end of eclipse!. Is she never going to see him again!? :s and where was jacob running to in the end!?!? HELP =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
bella chose edward and death!.!.well worse vampire!.!.!.!.the ultimate doom in jacobs eyes!.
and jacob at the end of eclipce kisses bella nd she kisses hi9m back!. she now knows that she is in love with jacob and jacob knnow then that he did his best!. and his best wasn't good enough!. after leah points it out, it really hits him that she and he will never be together!. she will "die"
and he runs off to esacpe the pain by taking his wolf form and letting his instincts takeover so he doesn't ahve to feel!. he can be numb!.

he doesn't know where he is going!. he is jsut going away!. but right now he is in canada somewhere!.
i ahve the first chapter of breaking dawn :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

umm !.!. as you probably know , Bella is in love with Edward and Jacob , but she knows that she has to choose between them !. And after New Moon she knows that she can't live without Edward so she decides to end things with Jacob !. Then when Edward sent Jacob the wedding invitation , Jake snaps and runs away !. And in the first chapter of Breaking Dawn it says that Jake is somewhere in Canada still living on his own as a werewolf , and I'm pretty sure that she's going to see him again ,'cause SM would never cut Jacob out of the story !.But no one knows if he reappears!.
I hope that was helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they kinda decided that Bella is going to be with Edward!.!.!. Jacob is going to "be good" now and not try to play games with her anymore!. As much fun as it was for me to read!.!.!. I think it is better for Bella!. I think she loves Jake more than she knows, but Edward gives up so much to be with her that she thinks that is what she really needs!. I think Bella will see Jake again, how can she not!? They are best friends and love eachother so much!

Jacob is so mad that Bella is getting married that he is just running!.!.!. running to forget mostly!. He doesn't want to face reality I think!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella will see Jacob again (or I hope so!.) At the end Bella went to see Jacob and Jacob said he wasn't going to tear her in half anymore!. He said that he loved her more and he was going to give her up so she wouldn't be torn in two anymore!. At the end Jacob was running North to canada so he wouldn't be near Bella anymoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

At the end Bella goes to see Jacob and tells him that she loves him but she loves Edward more and shes choosing him!. Jacob is upset because up until this point she is the love of his life so he feels kind of like how Bella felt when Edward left her but not to that extreme!. But he decides he just wants to be alone and deal with it and the best way to do that would be to leave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they dont tell u where he went but i think they tell u in breaking dawn

jacob being the imature jerk he is manipulates bella into kissing her and when she does she realizes she loves him but in the end she decides to stick w/ edward cuz she loves him more!.!.!.!.!.!.stupid jacob

team edward!!!! only 8 more days!!!! agghh (screaming in excitement)Www@QuestionHome@Com

they r going to get married then sex then turn bella into a vampire jacob runs because he knows bella will never be the same!Www@QuestionHome@Com