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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Could you HELP ME with a STORY, please?

Question: Could you HELP ME with a STORY, please!?
I'm writing a serial of stories about a homebirth midwife named Caroline that is based in the 50's in California!. I'm thinking to make some changes in the first story!. In this story, a young female doctor named Jamie, who is very pretty and looks like a swimsuit model, wants to give birth her first child at home with midwife Caroline!. I NEED HELP, please!!.
What is the MIDDLE NAME of Jamie!? What are the NAMES of Jamie's PARENTS!? What is the NAME of Jamie's SISTER!? Of Jamie's GRANDMOTHER!? And of Jamie's HUSBAND!?!. And of JAMIE'S baby ( a SON)!?
About the ARGUMENT: I'm thinking that this baby will be the first and last for Jamie because she doesn't know she has an illness that will kill her!. Another idea is that her husband thinks that Jamie's baby is the result of an infidelity and when Jamie is giving birth, he desires that the baby is born dead!. CHOOSE ONE ARGUMENT, please!!!
Give suggestions about names and choose one argument!!!
Thank you very much!!!! KISSES:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jamie's middle name: Lynn, Nicole, Anne
Jamie's father's name: Samuel, Richard, Thomas
Jamie's mother's name: Edith, Lesliann, Arlene
Jamie's sister's name: Kylie, Silvana, Kaitlyn
Jamie's grandmother's name: Elizabeth, Alice, Mary, Virginia
Jamie's husband's name: Kyle, Jack, Michael, Vincent
Jamie's son's name: Jason, Timothy, Iain, or after Jamie's dad
Argument: I like the second one, where the husband thinks Jamie has been unfaithful and doesn't want the boy to survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Middle name: Jamie Juliet
Father: Adam
Mother: Barbra
Sister: Keira
Grandmother: Emily
Husband: Robert
Son: Isaac

And the argument, i'd go for the first one, but what illness!?
Cause' the second one it's too used in some other stories!.!.!.

Bye, Kisses!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com