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Question: What is the moral of the Hobbit!?
For school, i have to compare and contrast a book with a poem!. The book is The Hobbit!. I have read the book but I don't completely understand the moral!. What I have guessed is that Bilbo thought about the ending and he could have gone back but he forged ahead!. I don't think that is the answer so please help me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, that is a pretty good response to the book!. 'The Hobbit' is very much based on a very simple mythic tradition!. That is the 'Hero's journey'!. The point of this myth is that true hero's are not superhumans like Hercules, but ordinary people put into extra-ordinary situations!. The'Heroic' is not their physical strength, not their intellectual capacity, not their education - but the spiritual strength that comes from within them!. You could say the purity of their soul or their selflessness combined with their determination to carry out their appointed quest irrespective of the danger to them personally!. You will note that the greatest weakness of such a hero is their love for their companions and their compunction to try to seek out the good in all - even those who seem beyond redemption (thus smeagol)!.

You will also note that it is the 'superhero' characters who eventually prove to lack the spiritual resolve and commitment to Truth that the Hero possesses!.

In this respect, without going into the theory of myth - you can see Gandalf as a materialisation of the Hero's conscience!. Always appearing at times of crisis to re-inforce and affirm!.

So you see,

You are pretty close to the answer!

Well done!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bilbo is a Hobbit, right!? what is a Hobbit!? It's basically a short human!. but Hobbits aren't considered very adventurous!. they stay in the shire and live thier happy lives!. but for some reason Gandalf chose him to accompany him on his journey!. why!? who knows!. what im getting to is that Bilbo is the underdog!. the dwarfs dont think much of him at first, even Bilbo himself didn't want to go, but in the end he plays one of the Biggest roles!. he stuck to his quest and was persistant!.

so basically the moral is to keep going no matter what, cuz who knows! you might get something out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Hobbits were a peaceful breed and didn't do anything outrageous!. Bilbo on the other hand, didn;t Really want adventure, but found himself "dragged into it" and once there found it quite exciting!. Bilbo did not conform to rules and regulations once he'd had this marvellous experience, much to the disgust of many of his fellow Hobbits!. However, they did all envy his wonderful adventures and experiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The moral is that you should do your own homework and read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Moral is that you should take risks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looks can be deceiving!.!.!.don't judge a book by its cover!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

