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Question: Twlight and harry potter!?
some person just ask what is better why whould u even say twlight harry potter 7 alone has solid 48 millon and twolight is under 10 millon the only peopl that like it are stupid tenage girls every age likes harry potter and twlight is a stupid romance harry potter is excitngWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you!. Harry Potter is so much better! Twilight can't even compare to it!.
Twilight mainly appeals to preppy teen girls who have never read a book in their life, but want to because of Edward!.
Where as Harry Potter appeals to everyone and is written well and very exciting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!. I read both series and I love Harry Potter!. The only reason why people are saying Twilight is cause the series is going on and only Twilight fans seem to be on right now!. Harry Potter is definitely one of those books where I could read now at 15 and 10 years from now and still enjoy!. Twilight, I wouldn't read again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its true harry potter 7 did sell more books than eclipse and the whole twilight series put together!.

Twilight fans,
Twilight being on the # 1 spot doesn't mean it sold more books totally!. It means that it was selling more books than the HP series at the time because all the HP fans had their copy!. When its totaled up hp has sold more DH books!. And guess what!?!? The Deathly Hallows has just, this week, been released in Japan for the first time!.I don't even think the DH book is done releasing translated copies!.


people have different tastes!. they like what they like and they will use any evidence they have to prove which one is better!. we should all like what we like and leave it at thatWww@QuestionHome@Com


twilight scored first on the charts

harry potter scored 9th

do the math

and if Harry Potter did sell more it's just because it hase more book!. And no not only teenage girls read them!. I know many guys that like these books!. Even Adults!. My HONORS reading teacher included!. Besides, you just called me stupid!. I will report you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not sure why i like twilight im not to crazy over the plot of the story but i really care about the characters and whats happens to them i guess i like harry potter too i like them both evenly although lately i like twilight moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with "Real Man Sparkle"!. Twilight is number one in the charts!. and it is exciting!. Not just romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES i totally agreee!.!.!.i'm so sick of everyone talking about twilight, thats all people talk about nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh wow thats nice, tell all the fans of a book that theyre stupid
well maybe youre the stupid one!!! TWILIGHT ROCKS!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I depends!.!.!.
i love both books, but its whatever im in the mood for more
but both books are awsome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're both overrated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com