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Question: Statemant about Twilight series!!?!!?!!?
So I think a few people are really tired of the questions about the twilight series but I just have to get this of my mind!.

So I just want to say,that I can't believe how dumb Jacob is!.I mean look in Twilight he first met Bella and they had a little conversation at the bonfire (I don't know if it was in Twilight or New moon but whatever) and at first nothing happened and they just liked eachother!.So THEN in New moon Edward left Bella and she ran in Jacobs arms!.Jacob comforted her!.Then he began to fix her because she was really hurt because Edward left!.Okay and he ALMOST fixed her completely!.But then suddenly Bella flew to Italy and saved Edward!.After that she took him back and forgot about Jacob!.And still after she treated him like crap in Eclipse he STILL wanted her!.WHAT THE HELL!?!I would tell her to piss off,but Jake still loved her!.He is just so dumb and can't see that he is way too good for Bella!.That is just sooooooooo annoying!.
What do you think about that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Remember!.!.!.!."Love is Blind!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

well!. i hate jacob i like edward and bella!. jacob doesn't deserve anything!. i mean if bella is happy so should he i mean if he loves her that much he should let her go!. i mean if she ends up with him in breaking dawn i think i will go mad and burn all of the booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know what you mean!.
I was getting annoyed all through Eclipse with the whole Bella/Jacob relationship!.
I don't honestly think that Jacob will imprint!.
I don't think Stephanie Meyer would do that!.
But I don't know I might be completely wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think he kind of already did imprint but bella just doesnt know it yet
jacob did say that its not neccesarily a lover but it can be like a brother sister act
i think thats what happenedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's not unlike Bella!. Edward treated her like crap for running out on her, and she STILL wanted him!. What the heck!?!?!?!?

Twilight is stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You do crazy things for love!Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol watch jacob imprint on leah!.!.!.lol that would be funnyWww@QuestionHome@Com

well jake IS sort of annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're wrong!. Jacob is really stupid i agree but bella is much better suited to edward than to him - edward is a million times better than jacob!.
Besides, he treats her badly too - he was so cruiel to her at the end of eclipse! he pretty much said: if you don't kiss me i'll kill myself!.
He kne that it would kill her to betray edward but he still did it!
how can that make him too good for anyone!?
I don't care if he imprints tbh!. I just hope he stops trying to wreck bella's life!
also, i think if he had to imprint he would be best to do it on a vampire - that wuld make a great storyline!Www@QuestionHome@Com