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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What's your favorite PostSecret book?

Question: What's your favorite PostSecret book!?
I think it's absolutely AMAZING, and I really really want one of the books!.
But I'm gonna have enough trouble convincing my mom to give me the money to get one, let alone all of them!.
She thinks it's cool too, but she just doesn't have much money!.
So which one would you recommend!?

I'm thinking of just getting the one with the most pages!.
I want it to last me a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read the Lifetime of Secrets book and it was beautiful the way it was set up!. The book takes us possibly on the journey of one person throughout their whole life!. The beginning is the fears as young children and the last ones are their experiences of an old soul!. The progression is beautiful and the secrets divine!. I've only read this one but, it was awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com