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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Looking for a fictional noahs ark book I read about 2 yrs ago, can't remembe

Question: Looking for a fictional noahs ark book I read about 2 yrs ago, can't remember author or title, not a kids bk
story regarding how noah gathers animals, helpers and wood!. a great readWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Jan Brett book is a children's book!.

Here are some novels that tell the story of Noah's Ark:

Song of the Crow by Layne Maheu

Not the End of the World by Geraldine McCaughrean

The Preservationist by David Maine

In The Shadow of the Ark by Anne Provoost

The True Story of Noah's Ark by Tom Dooley

If none of these are the book you're seeking, try posting your question at these sites:



Well no matter what you find, if it tells a story of a man and his family who gather two of every animal and they build a giant boat to survive a flood!.!.!. its going to be fiction!. Because that is indeed a fictional story!.

But perhaps you're talking about:
On Noah's Ark - Jan BrettWww@QuestionHome@Com