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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you tell me if any of these required books I have to read are any good?

Question: Can you tell me if any of these required books I have to read are any good!?
Like okay, I'm 16 and want to know if these books will be super hard for me to understand or enjoy!.
For my AP English class we have to read "Angela's Ashes"!. Which doesn't seem too bad but I have to write a few papers on it!. UGH!
And for AP American History we have to read "Common Sense" and "Founding Brothers"!. I'm glad that "Common Sense" is only like 92 pages long! The other one is kinda long!. Don't get me wrong, I love reading REALLY large books!. But not boring ones!. And I have to write a two page analysis on each book!. So can you please tell me if any of these books will have me dead from boredom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All of them are good but Angela's Ashes tells history from the point of view of a child!. That it is autobiographical just makes the story all the more intense!. Frank McCourt talks about his everyday life and the circumstances that left him at 19 bound for America alone!. Common Sense has been around forever and will help you to understand how the structure of government came to be formed!. Thomas Paine was a truly educated man who talked to the people in common terms so that everyone could understand why removing British rule from America was crucial to the development of America!. Founding Brothers talks about how the history behind the men who formed our nation shaped our nation!. Especially interesting is the part about slavery (The Silence) and why the founding fathers did not abolish slavery prior to the formation of America!. The websites listed below will help you with the reading assignments and getting the most from your reading!. Hope this helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, common sense is an intresting book, and ive never read "Angela's Ashes", but my friend did, and she said it was very good!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.


i hope you dont find them too boring!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Angela's Ashes is a pretty good book and there's a film on it I hear which isn't too bad!.!.!.but no way am I telling you to watch the film and skip the book!! ; )

I haven't heard of the other two, but I'm sure you will do fine!. Good Luck chuck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com