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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Mkay. so i realy want to read fic books about tenagers at schools away from home

Question: Mkay!. so i realy want to read fic books about tenagers at schools away from home and a mystery in it to!.any1!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stalky & Co By Rudyard Kipling

A funny novel of the various troubles three kids get themselves into at a boarding school!. While there isn't a mystery, there are plenty of schemes and capers!. Not quite a parody of Tom Brown's School Days, but it is definitely tongue and cheek aware of the genre!.

and the best part is that it is in the public domain and free from project Gutenberg!.

I also recommend the A Great and Terrible Beauty series!.
Blue is for Nightmares series!.
Hallowmere series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe A Great and Terrible Beauty!. It is kind of mysterious and it takes place at a boarding school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com