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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone read the Tomorrow Series?

Question: Has anyone read the Tomorrow Series!?
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Yes, actually I just finished the 6th book a few minutes ago!. I'm about to start the 7th and the final book then start the series that takes place after the war!. It's a good series!. I hope that Ellie and Lee get back togeather!. I think that they will!.!.!. they are obviously in love!. John Marsden has done a wonderful job! www!.johnmarsden!.com go there for his series titlles, and books!. It's awsome!.!.!. the books I mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I'm reading the series after them (The Ellie Chronicles) They are so good! I can't really think of any series like them apart from the Ellie Chronicles!.
So, sorry that i can't help with that!.
But if you haven't read them I suggest that you do!. And that's to anyone else that reads this aswell!.
They make you hold your breath so much, I'm suprised that people havent died from them!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have, well i have read i few of them!. great books!. is that all you wanted to know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com