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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I like to write but everytime i try to write a book i get bored with it then sto

Question: I like to write but everytime i try to write a book i get bored with it then stop plz help!?
i try to write a book but then get bored with it then stop!.
later on i realize that the book was stupid and that i wasted my time on it!. what do i do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ive hadi the same problem!. But, once i got to a story that i like d and wanted to finish i decided to take little breaks and write "side stories!. I have a note book full of unfinished side stories that i may finish some day, but if my mind begins to wander, i can ust the side stories to keep myself straight!.

i hope this helps!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you think it's bad because of the writing or is it the story!? Either way, there's one way to fix it!.
Keep writing!.
When you write, don't worry if it sucks!. Just get it finished!. You can always fix it!. Even if you decide there is no redemption for your work, that you can't make it better, at least you've got practice!. I find when I write, if I don't think about things too hard, they turn out better!. also, when you go back to something after not writing it, don't focus on the bad things!. Just try and figure out why you were writing it, and what you want to bring out!. There's always a little something here or there that you may like, or you at least liked it when you wrote it!. Try and bring out the parts you like!. When you have something finished, that helps too, because you know where the storyline is going and you aren't fixing up parts that may have to be cut later!. In writing classes I've had, I've been encouraged to even leave alone the grammar mistakes in the first draft!.
I would also suggest writing shorter things!. Just to practice writing in general and to figure out the process that works best for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop trying to write a book, at least for a while!.
Write poems, write short stories, write one-act plays, write songs - experiment with length and form!. Find what sort of writing lets you get out whatever you're trying to release in a way that you feel good about!. When you think of a scene you like, write it down!. When you think of a character you like, write about them, even if it's just a list of facts!. Heck, if you think of a line of dialogue you like, write it down and save it! In time, your niche will become apparent, and you'll be able to approach it with more confidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

alright this is cool because i have experienced it myself!!

well once you get the plot and the story out dont try to write it all in one second try to relax and take your time thinking about the book and story and plot!. also you should make new characters in the book and once you are done with that then you should draw a picture of the characters! it dosnt matter if you are bad drawer just draw and keep your mind focuused on the book and remember dont do it too long and remember to take breaks
alright well hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

you have to write about what you like and what you know!.
And never stop writing!. If the desire is strong enough you can do it!. And you don't know if you have a good idea or bad until you write it all!. If every writer threw away a story because they thought it was bad, then we would have no writers!. An author is always harder on their own work than anyone else!.
also it might help to write short stories to start!. Start small (10 pages) and finish that!.!.!.!.then move on to a bigger one!. Once you've finished one ususally the desire to finish another comes with that!.

Good luck with everything and never stop writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, it also depends on the book because I have crossed that problem many times!. i actually have 4 unfinished books in my room!. Maybe my solutions can help a fellow author!. as i've said, it depends on what type of book you're writing!. If it is mostly fantasy & that you're trying 2 come up with new & weird plots & situations, you could try integrating things you've done yourself!. Knowing that people aren't the same, I am an adrenaline junkie & tend to do a lot of crazy stuff so in my books, i would use one of those situations with outrageous turns to them!.

i hope this helps but i'd need a few more specifix!. feel free to drop me a lineWww@QuestionHome@Com

This happens to me TONS!!! I even have a web page for one of my books, but then of course I got bored with it!. What I end up doing is re-writing it but in another persons view or try another genre!. (However you spell that) I have discovered that romance is my type that I am good at even though I started out with suspense!. I just feel comfertable with it!. Try a variety of things!.

Good Luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've done that same thing a million times!. A book is a HUGE project to tackle!. Write short stories, poems, or anything a little shorter!. If you think about a story and keep thinking about it, and can come up with a great deal of plot, then maybe you have a book!.!.!.but in the meantime, work on shorter works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writing books is like taking a dump, you can't force it!. LOL!. Really though, write whatever and see if you can combine them into one!. I have a couple of books published using that method!. don't give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

start writing better books!?!? try writing comedys,there always funny and most the time stupid is funny!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then don't write a book if you think thinking a previous idea was stupid and enough to make you stop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe writing books is not for you!. Try starting with short stories or articles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's simple: Keep the writings but change the plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if u get bored, imagine how boring ur storing is!? write an outline with lots of things going on and then write itWww@QuestionHome@Com

write a short storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

keep on tryingWww@QuestionHome@Com