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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In the book new moon what happenes when they are in italy?

Question: In the book new moon what happenes when they are in italy!?
i read the book but im still confused on how Alice, Edward,and bella got out of the volturi castle place thing!. could someone explain in detail of what happened like who was the woman with the rosary and what that was all about!. Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Remember, that the Volturi are not "vegetairians" they drink the blood of people!. The woman with the rosary was in a group of people who were going to be killed by the Volturi!. They send out vampires to gather a "meal" so to speak, because they do not eat from their own city (Volterra, Italy) so that they do not attract attention!. Instead they gather people from the outside world, tourists, people from other cities, the country side, etc!. That's why the woman who brought them in was dressed attractively, so that she could lure them in!.

Because Bella reached Edward before he stepped into the sunlight, no rules were broken by them being there, and they were not punished!. However, Aro was intrigued by the situation, thus they were brought in for questioning!. They made them stay until nightfall so that Edward and Alice wouldn't attract attention as they left by going all *sparkly sparkly* but other than that there was no reason for them not to be let go!.!.!.

Unless you are wondering why they didn't kill Bella as they talked about-- that is because Alice had decided to change Bella into a vampire!. When Alice touched Aro's hand, he saw everything she had ever thought, and saw that she planned to change Bella!. So, their policy of not letting humans know was still being followed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, basically the Volturi were like "You are dismissed"!. And then they hurried out of there, just to get away from the Volturi!. And then when they were leaving, there were a group of humans touring the Volturi's castle, and all of them thought they were touring, but actually the Volturi was just gonna kill & eat them all!. And so that freaked Bella out, and Edward comforted her (HOTT!!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

when they left Aro they still had to wait for it to get dark to leave so they didn't draw attention to themselves!.
they got as far as the room where all the tourists entered and were stuck there to wait
the volturi stage the tour so they can feed on the tourists, the woman with the rosary was an unfortunate victim!.
they wait there until they are allowed to leave, steal another car, and get on a plane back home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com