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Question: I want to write a vampire book!.!.!.!?
Well, I really wanna write a vampire book!. Like a novel or something!. But whenever I start writting it ends up being like Twilight!. Ughh!. Im too attached to it!. I think thats the reason though!. The thought of Twilight coming to an end!.!.!. I dont want it to end!.!.!. So I write about it!. Or I continue it!.!.!. So what should I do!.!.!.!? Should I continue Twilight, or maybe rewrite it from someone elses point of view or just write a totally different book!. But if thats the case, I need ideas!.!.!. But I still want it to be similar to Twilight!. Oh and what program is best for typing a novel!? Thanks! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
honestly, i would suggest finding another genre!.!.!.the whole vampire thing is a little oversaturated right now and if you attempt to write one, chances are you will be so involved with other books that they will creep into your own writing no matter how hard you try
i would suggest writing something that maybe has vampires in it but doesnt necessarily use them as main characters
sorry if thats not what you wanted to hear, but i think you will enjoy writing more if you do something more originalWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know what you mean! I love Twilight too and think it would be fun to write a Twilightish vampire book! One thing that you could do is try writing Twilight fan fiction and posting it on the Internet!. Just type in Twilight fanfition on Google and read some of it! I just got into it and it is helping me wait for breaking dawn!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My advice, to avoid cliches or usuing someone else's plot please read the longer series of your genre and do not stoop to plaugerism!. also, read unrelated classics; they will influence your verbage and heighten it to match the more mysterious, brooding nature of your chosen genre!. Cheers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would stay away from the vampire genre!. It's really too popular right now anyway!.

You could write fanfiction though!. That's a really good outlet if you want to write about Twilight!. And I use MS Word to write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest writing your own vampire novel- it can be similar to Twilight, but completely different!. I use Microsoft Word 2007!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should read some other vampire books so yours ends up being like all of them and not just like one of themWww@QuestionHome@Com