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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What page of "Eclipse" is bella's bracelet described??

Question: What page of "Eclipse" is bella's bracelet described!?!?
I'm going to try to make one like it, but I cant find any of the pages where it describes the crystal heart, the wolf carving, or what kind of chain it's on, or anything!.!.!. does anyone know any pages where these are described!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is first described as "Jacob's present" on page 374!.
"Fastened to one of the links of thesilver bracelet was a tiny wooden carving!. I held it between my fingers to look at it closer!. It was amazing the amount of detail involed in the little figurine- the miniature wolf was utterly realistic!. It was even carved out of some red-brown wood that matched the color of his skin!."
On page 438, Edward's charm is first described!.
"On the opposite side of the chain from the wolf, there now hung a beautiful heart-shaped crystal!. It was cut into millions of facets, so that even in the subdued light shining from the lamp, it sparkled!. I inhaled a low gasp!."
I hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com
