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Question: I need help with my Novel!? Please!!?
Okay I've posted my Novel I don't know how many times! But everytime I go and check on the answers I got!. There's always someone who says, "There a bunch of Grammar errors!." If there are will you help me!. I grammar check it on Word!. And that's all I can do!. So please help, I really tired of people trashing my writing!.

I was sitting in my 3rd period English class waiting for the teacher to show!. When my best friend Holly poked me on the arm!.
“What!?” I asked annoyed!. Holly would always poke me to get my attention!. I would always say “Can’t you just say my name, or warn me next time!?” But she would always reply!. “But that’s no fun!” But whatever makes her happy!. Holly pointed to the front of the class and grinned!. I looked to the front of class, and shook my head!.
“Look at Hailey drooling all over Adam,” She said, “Poor guy!.” I nodded, and looked at the new guy, Adam!.
He just arrived 2 days ago!. And he already had all the poplar girls hovering over him!. I mean, I don’t blame them!. He was really good looking!. I mean billboard Hot!. He had bright jade green eyes, a wonderful smile, and a nice fit body!. He could make the football team no problem!.
“Yeah poor guy!. Hailey and her little Hailey clones need to leave him alone, and get a life,” I yawned, “He needs to file for sexual harassment!.” Holly nodded and chuckled!.
“What’s so funny!?” I asked!. She shook her head and closed her eyes!.
“Didn’t ya hear!?” She asked surprised!. I shook my head!. “No what happened!?” She laughed and looked over and smiled!.
“You’re out of the loop like always!. Well it seems that Hailey already has a few harassment charges on her record!.” My eyes grew wide with shock!.
“No way,” I whispered sarcastically!. She nodded her head and laughed a good hardy laugh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I'm going to give you the best advice I can!. I'm a writer also, but I've been writing since I was three!. You could say I've had tons of practice!. Let me say that in the world of books, creativity is the key!. You have to hook the reader from the get go!. I'm not 'trashing you', but your story lacks creativity and has lots of grammer problems!.

No ones perfect, but I think you need more practice!. I agree that you should take your writing to a professional or a really good grammer geek to help you with the mistakes!. As for creativity, don't get stuck in that whole high school boy crazed teenage girl syndrome where all you write about is a lovesick girl who runs across some wierd teen problem!. You might like that, but it's so old!. Done!. Played out!.

Just sit awhile and think of something that's never been done before!. I won't give you any ideas (after all, I'm a writer too)!. You have to know what you're writing about, inside and out!. Know who you're writing for and really think about your characters!. Imagine what they look like and everything about them like their height and favorite color!. I'm thirteen and I'm still working on my writing skills!. Just keep writing!.

Hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ugh!.!.!. another cliched high school melo-drama story!. lemme guess!. the new guy is a vampire or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're tired of people "trashing" your writing, then you shouldn't post it--you're obviously not ready to face the music!. Criticism is something you have to deal with, even if it's harsh!. People slam with you about the grammar errors because good grammar is vital in writing!. You have to know what you're doing with those commas, word choices, sentence structures, and etc!

I'm not going to "trash" your work, but I'm not going to shower you with praise either--because, to tell you the truth, there's nothing special about your paragraphs!. It reads like a typical teen romance--but that's probably what you want to hear!.

Maybe the reason you get poor advice is because you don't post enough material for us to critique on!. A few more paragraphs would really help!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please don't say that's all you can do!. People say there are grammar errors because there ARE!. Word's grammar check is not perfect!. There is something else you can do: check it over yourself!. Better yet, get a few other people to check it, preferably people adept at writing!.

We are not trashing your writing!. Basically what you're looking for is someone telling your that your writing is wonderful, but it's not!. I'm not saying it's horrible, only that it needs work!. I have already bothered to take fifteen minutes and honestly review this passage in your other question!. What else do you want!?

You can get it right!. We're not here to make you feel horrible about yourself, we're here to make sure you get it right!. If you still don't believe us, take this to an editor!. See what they say!. It sure as hell won't be better than our opinions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com