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Question: As an aspiring writer, what can you writers out there advice me on how to reach my goals!?
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People will say that the most important thing is to keep writing!.

This has never worked for me!.

I have needed very specific goals and objectives, which provide a time frame, internal and external pressure, and accountability!.

I have also needed a community!. I am an essayist and I belong to several scholarly communities!. They have annual meetings, spaced throughout the year!. They also have very clear standards and a feedback system for submissions, so I always know where my work stands!. If I get a fair reading that suggests I'm barkig up the wrong tree I drop the project early!.

By being in communities or organizations you will meet people who will be both encouraging and concretely helpful!. For example, you may meet someone who is putting together a collection, has a publisher lined up, and needs a contribution that you can make!.

You have to keep annual, quarterly, and weekly plans, and review your progress each period!. I meet with myself every sunday and review my weekly progress, formulate new objectives, add and drop projects!.

I found it very useful last year to write a novel within the frame of the national novel writing month!. (NANOWRIMO!.COM)!. I learned a lot about my writing that I would not learn as an essayist!.

You need to read very extensively in your selected genre, and read with a writer's eye -- seeing exactly how the writer solved very specific problems like beginnings, endings, transitions, scene structure, dialogue, suspense, etc!. Once you have your eyes on these problems every story is a text book!.

And speaking of textbooks, there are so many great writing books, like the ones from Writers Digest!. Find a few that really speak directly to you, and take them to heart!. Do everything they say for a while; emulate the tricks and secrets of the textbook author!. Later you will discover your own!.

I spend four hours a day on my writing projects, from 2 to 6 pm!. Very little of that time is spent writing yet I am reasonably prolific!. As ol' Abe Lincoln said: if you have 8 hours to chop down a tree, spend six of them sharpening your ax!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never give up!.

I'm 16 years old and my dream is to become a fantastic writer one day!. For the past five months I've been working on a plan for the first novel I want to write, I spent a few of those months doing the basic outlines, character drafts, etc- and the rest have been spent doing first chapters!. I've written over nine different first chapters, and four different prologues!. It's very difficult to decide how to open a novel that you wish to become successful one day, so another piece of advice:
Follow your heart!. If it sounds corney, unrealistic- do it again!. Keep doing it until you get it right!. Sure, it might take a long time, but in the end, I believe it will be worth it!.

By the way, writing is a fantastic way to relieve yourself of any stress, though it does build up a ton of stress!. Don't get too into it if you see it's corrupting your everyday life!. Unless, of course, writing is your life and you don't mind that everything besides your writing is destroying!.

Take it slow!.

Good luck!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, it depends!.!.!.!.!.

what are your goals!? do you want to become the greatest writer who ever wrote!? or do you just want to have your name visible on the spine of a good book!? Because, if you want the first one, then you will have to come up with the most priceless story ever created and your writing will have to be beautiful and flawless :)

but, if you want the second goal, then here are some steps!

1)!.!.get an idea for a book
2)!.!.plan out that idea (and i mean plan out everything!! that doesnt mean your idea cant change while you write it, but it helps to have your idea out of your mind and on paper)
3)!.!.create characters to populate your book!. create places!. create things!. basically, create a new world :)
4)!.!.!.begin writing your book!. i cant help you here- you just have to go with your instincts!. write out a couple chapters then go back and edit them and change them to fit your needs!. always ALWAYS pick chapter titles after the chapter is complete!!! (but thats only if you have chapter titles)
5)!.!.once your masterpiece is complete, have friends or family read and let them tell you what they think of it!. accept their opinions- harsh and kind- and use them to help strengthen your novel
6)!.!.come in contact with an editor and an agent who can get your book out of your hands and into the hands of an eager reader!. This part is all a bit fuzzy for me honsetly!.!.!.!. because im still on step 4 :) but there are sites all over the interent that can help you find an agent!. but i read a book about how to get books published, and it said to always send a query letter!. Always! And always have a second copy of your story at home!. good luck :)

well!.!.!.i hope this helps you out in someway!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read as many books in your genre as you can!.

Purchase a couple of creative writing text books!. You simply MUST understand the basic techniques of writing!. It isn't a hit-and-miss thing!. There are skills you should learn, which are almost impossible with studying!.

Read author's blogs to gain hints and tips!.

Join a writers circle such as http://www!.mywriterscircle!.com/ They're FREE, friendly, and very helpful!. You'll immerse yourself in the writing world and feel a part of it!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

You must be remarkably persistent, devoted to your craft, and objective!. I recommend really studying publishing a lot, too!. This will give you amazing insight into the ins-and-outs of getting your work published!. Mostly, never stop writing and seeking to perfect your work!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com