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Question: For people that like to write!?
I'm on writers block and it's been that way for a couple of months!. How do you get over writers block!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends what you're writing!.

I'm always observing random things, and if I think of a line or just a situation I want to include, I write it down!.

You really can't force it though!. It has to come naturally!.

also you could let someone else read what you have so far, and give you some input!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I deal with it in several ways!. The easiest is to switch my passion from writing to drawing, eventually the desire and drive to write reemerges!. Another way is to turn to my journal, which is a journal in the most academic sense of the word!. It's more like a tirade of idiocy and lunacy!. I don't think when I write in it, I just write what comes to my mind, if nothing comes I repeat the same sentence over and over until something new pops in!. (All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Hehe No one's allowed to ever read my journal) Eventually my mind will tire of silliness and the ideas will become more streamlined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best suggestion I can give you is to take a break from writing!. Don't open your story, don't look over it, don't do anything with it!. Leave it aside for three days!.

Keep your mind on other things while you're on the break!. It'll help a great deal!. After the break is over, find a quiet place to sit--someplace where you're comfortable--and turn on some music--if it helps and whichever kind you like--and then write!. Don't tell yourself it has to be perfect; it doesn't!. You'll rewrite a million times before you actually send in your manuscript so there's no need to make sure everything is immaculate!.

Good luck! Don't fight Writers Block, just take a break for the three days and then go back to it!. Read while you're on the break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i get writers block a lot, too!.
the only suggestion i can really come up with is to read more books, because sometimes another author's ideas will inspire one of your own, and another is to simply think of a character, and a lot of times the story will evolve around that person (or animal)!. sometimes even something as simple as a character's name will inspire me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to sleep!. If you can remember your dreams when you wake up, they usually make great stories!. Once I combined two dreams together and it made a fantastic story that kept me writing for a week straight!. Other than that, try to write a bunch of stupid things then come back to it later!. We tend to think something we're writing is horrible while we're writing it but when we come back it's a lot better than what we imagined!.
I was on writer's block for about ten months and am just getting over it now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

SAME PROBLEM HERE! Listen to music!. Loud music!.

If that doesn't help, jump ahead in your story to something you're more excited about!. If I get bored with the part of the story I'm working on, I jump ahead to "Top Secret Future Chunks!." Exciting parts that I'm not quite to yet!. You can go back and link them up later!.

If that doesn't help, change your surroundings!. Go to a friend's house, or even your backyard!. You'll be amazed at the difference if you usually do all your writing in the same place (like I do)!.

If all else fails, pester your editors!.!.!.(that is, the friends you've allowed to read your story so far!.) Bug them until they give you ideas!. Ask little siblings!. You're guaranteed to get some off-the-wall things!.!.!. but that might be just what your story needs!!! Hope this helps! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know of a couple of good websites you can look at for ideas, both articles specifically address writers block!.



Hope they help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try something new!. Everytime I go to write my story I end up crashing into a great heap of writers block!. I always end up re-writing it a different way, and always end up more successful than the time before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

usually i either read a book or watch a couple movies!.!.!. usually favorites that i have because they give me emotion and/or i realize somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever tried reading/watching interviews of various authors!? I don't know why--but hearing everyone's life's story and how passionate they are about their work motivates me to get back to work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just writing!. Start with anything!.
EX!. Today I went to school,

Don't think just write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

think for a while
day dreaming can help u think of new ideas
also talking to your friends can helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's tough!.!.!.I look online for some prompts to start out with, and then my imagination grows from that plot and takes on a totally new story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what i do is re-read the book and get now ideasWww@QuestionHome@Com