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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the title of this book? Please help, I'm going crazy!?

Question: What is the title of this book!? Please help, I'm going crazy!!?
The book is written for young adults/teens!.
It was about a girl whose mother left her!.
The cover was a collection of post-it notes that said different things on them, like "weed the garden" or "wash the dishes"!.
I remember the girl always wrote post-it notes to remind her self of things!.

I also remember that there was a tornado or hurricane that came at the end!.
Um!.!.!.I think the girl's mom also sold hats or something made out of seashells!.
They lived by the beach!.
One time the girl got really mad at her friend for eating a carrot!.

Sorry that's not much to go by!.
I'll appreciate any help!.
Thanks!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
haha! that sounds like a great book!. when someone figures it out i'll want to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I do not have an answer for you, but go to this web-site, sign in as a guest and ask in the genres section!.

It is called the Children's Writers and Illustrators Message Board, better known as the Blue Board!. Someone there might know!. I'll be surprised if they don't!.


Oh there was a Lifetime movie that sounds almost exactly like that but,I dont know whatbthe name of it was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com