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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can some please explain to me why this is important to the play Antigone.?

Question: Can some please explain to me why this is important to the play Antigone!.!?
Thy power, O Zeus, what human trespass can limit!? That power which neither Sleep, the all-ensnaring, nor the untiring months of the gods can master; but thou, a ruler to whom time brings not old age, dwellest in the dazzling splendour of Olympus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm going to decipher the lines first!. Then you'll get it!.

What human fault (sin) can limit your power, great Zeus!? Neither death (the great sleep that everyone has to deal with) nor the words of the other gods can overcome your power!. You, who are immortal and ageless and live on Olympus, are the only one who can master your power!.

The chorus, Antigone herself, and the 3rd Ode (the one with the line about doom looming over a child like a threatening wave) blame Antigone's, Polynieces', and Etocles' fates on the sins of Oedipus!. Therefore, the above line is saying that Antigone and her brothers could not hide from the vengeance Zeus was going to exact upon Oedipus' children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com