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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A good read please by Ben Elton is there one with innuendo and excitment?

Question: A good read please by Ben Elton is there one with innuendo and excitment!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think 'Stark' is a good bet, very funny, exciting and plenty of innuendo focusing on one character, who's in perfect physical condition with one little (innuendo-related) flaw!. If you read it, you'll know what I mean!.

For something a little less subtle, try 'This Other Eden'!. His prediction of a futuristic condom is spot-on in that one!. It's more exciting, but contains many blatant sexual references, so doesn't suit the delicate term 'innuendo'!.

If you want to read a short (one-paragraph) summary of all his books, go to http://www!.fantasticfiction!.co!.uk/e/ben-!.!.!. and click on the titles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read all of Ben Elton's books and my favourite is Dead Famous about a Big Brother style show!. It's clever and exiting and I'm sure there's some innuendo in there somewhere!Www@QuestionHome@Com