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Question: Shopaholic Books!!?
I just finished reading the "Secret dreamworld of a shopaholic" by Sophie Kinsella!. And just love it!
Dose anyone know whats the next book in the Series? at all!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well done you lol she is a brilliant author (ignore the first answer you received) and the order is

Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic
Shopaholic Abroad
Shopaholic Ties The Knot
Shopaholic and Sister
Shopaholic and Baby

also try her stand alone books!.!.!.!. i enjoyed them just as much!.!.!.

The Undomestic Goddess
Remember Me
Can You Keep a Secret

Have fun!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the first two and thought they were primitive and boring!.
I know it's not what you are asking, but I just can't help myself!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com