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Position:Home>Books & Authors> HOLY CRAP! I'm in deep trouble here! People who've read LOTR *PLEASE* he

Question: HOLY CRAP! I'm in deep trouble here! People who've read LOTR *PLEASE* help me! I'm begging you!!?
Alrighty!.!.!.So i had to read a few books for a summer reading program for my new school!. My old school didn't have things like that so I was kinda confused!. My Mom recieved the apporpriate book list in the mail and I got one out the way and she told me reading the second one was completely optional!. Here's where the trouble comes in!.!.!.

My parents are HUGE procrastinators and I can't drive!. So just a week ago I practically dragged her to the mall and got the book (LOTR)!. I'm only a few chapters into it and guess what!? The school called today and said I'd be taking a test THURSDAY over the two books I was supposed to read!. And I was like, two!? wtf!? I thought one was optional!.!.!.Soz after that i took a look at this list and IT ISN'T!

I'll never finish in time! And it's not like it's my fault!.!.!.!.What can I do!? Is anyone willing to help!? Perhaps a full description on Lord of the Rings : The fellowship of the Ring would be nice!. I'm going to Block buster tomorrow to rent it, will i be okWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll help you because I like your name!. There is a lot of detail in the book that isn't in the movie (because it would have gone on forever!)!.

I'll email you more when I have a chance to write it all out!.

In the meantime- start reading!!! You can get through a lot, I promise!.

10:18 pm- Sent!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can finish the books in two days!. Really you can!. Put your mind to it!. In college you'll have to cram all the time!. The movie will tell you a lot but it doesn't follow exactly and no doubt they have thought about people who go see the movie and have set the questions in such a way you can't answer from the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spark Notes!!! This was your parents fault, so drag them again to get the spark notes, also check the internet for summarys, some fans really pick books like this apart too, so your in luck its this kind of book!

Oh and BTW, the movies are awesome! So I highly recommend them, and who knows they really may help you!. They are pretty long though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rent the movies and ask for the difference between the movies and the books!. That is what you need, they are different and I believe those difference are on the test!. I haven't read them however my husband did!. He is at work so that is all the help I can give you now!. Contact me for his MS if you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. I'd strongly suggest you READ THE BOOKS, but the movie was 'true' to Tolkien's story !. I watched with a critical eye!.!.Schools!? I'm an 'old timer' without knowing it, but I was strongly suggested AWAY from the books, Marnia was the preferred fantasy then!. To shade y 'era' a bit more, this was WAY before Harry whatisname!. good luck!. ; {Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not watch the movie!? Sounds like you really really care!. That's what counts the most!. I'm sure there's some avid readers who will read your question and give you pointers!. Hang in there and keep doing research in your book!. Learning to speed read is the key!. Check that out on the Internet!. You'll need it later on!.

Go on either:




It might have the book you need, if it does it will give a whole discription of everything!.!.!.The chapters, charaters, important quotes, settings, plots, i mean like EVERYTHING!. lol
hope it helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't rent it, Peter Jackson had to change things around for the movie!. Go to Barnes and Noble or some other book store!. You may be able to read a synopsis of the book there!. Otherwise, you may have a lot of reading to do!.
Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Movie Won't Help you at ALL!.
Its not at all like the book!. Watch the movie, and fail!.


Has a summary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually it's ok if you watch the movie!. Read the book after the test though, you won't regret it!. MUCH better!

Cliff's Notes!.

Reading these are better than reading the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hi try using the internet cant remember the site lol sorry

dont do the movie, they change stuff in them a lot i'
ll tell oyu site if i can remember!.

oh yeah!!! sparknotes!.com!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

try spark notesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Watching the movie will get you pretty far!. The books stay pretty true and the movies were/are excellent!.

Sorry about your parents!. Like most, too absorbed in their work and/or booze/drugs, and or lazy habits to take their kid to a mall to buy a book!. Makes me puke!. Don't grow up like them!.

Books are sold on the internet if mom/dad has any room left on their credit card!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you may want to talk to your mother and have her talk to the school!. have her tell them that she misunderstood and directed you to not read the books!. or just get to reading, you still have time if you dedicate yourself for the next few days and do nothing but read!. if you can finish the one book and at least browse through the 2nd book your chances are better, this if you dont!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The movie gets the gist of it, but it leaves out SO many particulars that if you try to write on the movie your teacher will know!. I'd ask your parents to explain to the school that it was they're fault that you didn't get your readings done, and then the school would probably let you take the test later!. I don't think anyone could tell you enough of what you need to know!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely understand!.!.!.my parents are like that too!

As for watching the movie, if you're taking a quiz on the book, you may get a little confused, but it's a good Idea for last minute study!. Watch all the movies, because they don't end where the books end, to get a good handle on the plot, characters etc!. IF it's just a quiz, my guess is that it will be just a few questions on main ideas and stuff!.

I haven't done a ton of searching, but here are a couple of links that may be able to help you!.

http://flyingmoose!.org/tolksarc/homework!.!.!. This one gives breif synopses on all three books

http://www!.redbrick!.dcu!.ie/~scruff/lotrb!.!.!. is a book review!.!.!.I have no idea how accurate it is, and from what I read, it isn't very well written!. Ignore the first two or so paragraphs, and go strait to the plot!. Be sure not to base you answers to the quiz totally on this person's idea of the book!

http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/The_Lord_of!.!.!. you can't go wrong with wikipedia!. Make sure you don't get bogged down with how, when, where and why tolkien wrote the books, again, go strait to the charactors and the plot!. Many questions that teachers like to ask have to do with the charactors, so try to get a good handle on the main charactors:

Aragorn (Strider)

Golum (golum can be considered good and bad in the book, because with his heart set on gaining possesion of the ring, he does help frodo, but then does things that hinder his progress of getting the ring to Mt Doom, like bringing him to Shelob)

And then of course the bad guys:

Black Riders

(These are not put in order)

I hope this helps you a bit

I'm sorry you have to read this book in a hurry, but, as school books go, that's a pretty good one!

Be sure to read the books again when you have some down time!. They are awsome books!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com