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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What does the context of the author mean?

Question: What does the context of the author mean!?
The assignment is to explain how the context of the writer influenes the meaning of the text!.

I know you can't answer the question, but what exactly is it asking!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The context means all of the real-life factors that surrounded the author and the text when it was written!. For example, when was it written!? In what country!? What was happening in the larger culture at the time!? What was going on in the author's life!? What were some of the texts that influenced this one!? etc!.

All of these things and more (basically, anything happening "outside" of the text that might have influenced it) are contextual factors, though your instructor might actually be wanting you to focus on a specific aspect of the context!. Without knowing your instructor, it's hard to say specifically what s/he is after!.Www@QuestionHome@Com