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Question: Need help coming up with Character names!.!?
So I'm working on a story for a forum that I frequent, but I CANT THINK OF ANY GODDAMN NAMES FOR THE CHARACTERS! It's going to be a fantasy, and most of the main characters (in the first story!. It's going to be a trilogy) are beings known as furies or furs (aka kitsune, in Japanese culture!.) I need some ORIGINAL names for the charicters!. Both male and female names are needed!. The main character's name is going to be Silver (he's a gray fox anthro)!. I need first names and species of the characters!. E-mail me @ shadowsol93@yahoo!.com if you would like to give a character bio!. Any help will be appreciated!. Oh, and if you send me a bio, and it fits in the story, I'll formally thank you at the end of the chapter that the character is introduced in!. I'll just need to know if you would like me to use a pen-name, or just your Yahoo account name!. Once again, any help is appreciated!

(For those of you who disapprove of the fury community DON'T ANSWER!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I use this site for character names for a game I play!. It might come in handy for you!.


Oooh sounds cool ^^ Okay so I know you said to email you but my email is annoying, so instead of giving you bios im going to give you some names and their meanings!. :)

Chou - Butterfly
Hyousuke - Soldier
Tora - Tiger
Miyuki - Beautiful Snow (I think that name is soooo pretty!!!)
Akemi - Bright and Beautiful

Hope this helps ^^ Good luck!!!!

It kinda reminds me of InuYasha!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Name generators are wonderful, depending on the site you go to!. Use the link below, because it gives you a wide array of names from all over the world wheather it is in the real or fantasy one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, I dont know if you'll like this one or not but my name is McCaul and i always get teased for it sounding like Macaw!. Use it if you want too and email me at mks94@hotmail!.com if u do use it!. Hope I helped a litt:)Www@QuestionHome@Com


a'ight dog!?!?!?!?

GO TEAM JACOBWww@QuestionHome@Com