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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the movie titanic (starring leonardo di caprio and kate winslet) based on a b

Question: Is the movie titanic (starring leonardo di caprio and kate winslet) based on a book!?
i was watching the movie yesterday and i thought i sounded like it would make a good book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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People I think she means based on a book that was written based on the events of Titanic! Do't be so quick to judge!. Anyways I think there is a book but it probably came out a little after the movie, there are alot of books about the Titanic but I'm not sure if theres a specific one, or love story, that inspired the movie!. The movie could have been inspired by the countless couples and lovers that were lostWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not the movie is not based on a book!. It is just a film with a love story that is supposed to show us a clip of what life on the Titanic may have been like!. It is only recently that we have learned that there was more to the Titanic sinking than just the ice burg, but that they used cheap materials that resulted in the rivets breaking!.

And no the movies story was not made into a book, but they did make a book about the making of the movie Titanic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looks like a few people have a problem with the concept of fictional elements within stories based upon real events!. If anyone thinks that the love story between Kate's and Leonardo's characters was also based on a real event, well, they are quite mistaken!.

However, the answer to your question is: No!. James Cameron did not base his screenplay upon any particular book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh!. My!. God!.
Please tell me you're joking!.!.!.
The movie Titanic is Based on a real event!. I hope you know that!. There are several books that carry very similar stories to the movie, but I have no idea whether they are based on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the overall titanic story is based on real events!. However, when they made a movie about it, they added the love story in there to make it more appealing to audiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was made into a book but was called a night to remember
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

uh!.!.it HAPPENED!. liker, for real!. it was based on real life, sort of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com