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Question: Has anyone ever wrote a novel and based a character off themself!?
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yeah, i think it may be easier that way for some people!. it gives the character more life and things seem more genuine when they were experienced first hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, in fact I'm doing this in a story I am writing right now!. (http://www!.webook!.com/project/Betrayed ) You just have to be very careful when doing this and avoid this:

"As is evident from the definitions given above, the term "Mary Sue" carries the strong connotation of wish-fulfillment!. For this reason, it is commonly associated with self-insertion, the literal writing of oneself into a fictional story!. However, a true self-insertion is a literal and generally undisguised representation of the author; many—perhaps most—characters described as "Mary Sues" are not literal self-insertions, though they are frequently said to be "proxies"[5] or stand-ins of some sort for the author!. The negative connotation of the term comes from this very "wish-fulfillment" implication: the "Mary Sue" is regarded as being a poorly-developed character, one who is too perfect, too beautiful/handsome, too lacking in three-dimensionality to be accepted as realistic or interesting!. Such proxy characters, critics claim, exist only because the author wishes to see himself or herself as the "special" character in question!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

A LOT of authors do this and while some make it work, others make it seem like they are day dreaming and there wild fantasys are coming true, making the book quite awful!.
Here is a book where you can really see the author just sitting at her desk typing up a day dream


it is a sequel to a book about two vampires!. The main character, a highschooler that everybody thought was weird, wrote a book about two vampires under a pen name!. All of the kids at school liked the book but not her!. She walked into school and there was the character from her book!. It turns out everything she had written about the hot vampire was true and he came to protect her from the other vampires!.

Other authors,such as J!.K!. Rowling have a slight bases!. Mostly th personality is based off of them but the life story of the charcter and the situations that the character get into are not like them!. harry is a guy wizard, JK is not!. However they do share the same birthday and she says that his personality is most like hers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An autobiography!? Tons of people write those!.

Actually writing a book with a character that goes through things you go through and looks like you and acts like you!. That is something that I do all the time!. Sometimes you can tell if you read someones work when they do this poorly!. I often base characters and story lines on things I went through and what I look and act like!.

Be careful when you do this not to make it into a mary sue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say about 50% or more writers do that!. But the truth is, a novel is often 100% emotionally true!.!.!. it's just the facts, names, places, dates, etc!. that have been changed!.

One person once told me that all the characters in a book are aspects of the writer's personality!.

Other writers can make up characters from observing people around them!.

If you ever read biographies of writers you like, you would be able to make the connections in their lives and their writings!. Sometimes reading critical analysis of literature or famous writers, will make the links for you!.

Have fun! Good research answers questions and helps you think more creatively!.

Good luck,

you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alotWww@QuestionHome@Com

I wrote a novel about a fictional character, pretty soon i realized she was completely based after me! It was me in another form with the same problems, same view, same ideals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quite often!. When done well, it's fine!. When it's done poorly, it's often called a 'Mary Sue'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Based off of what I am, no!. Based off of what I want to be, yes, many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep! actually i am still wroting but the characters personalty is based on me!.!.!. nothing more than that though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!. if your looking for a book that's like that(kinda) read cirque du freak by darren shan!.!.!. it's greatWww@QuestionHome@Com