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Question: Which Kurt Vonnegut book should I read!?
Which Kurt Vonnegut book should I read!?
I've just finished Slaughterhouse five and now want to continue reading some of Vonnegut's books!. Which so I go to!.!.!. I was thinking Galapagos, The Sirens of Titan, or Cat's Cradle!.!. Please tell me which book you liked the most or which you recommend instead of these!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would read is work in this order:

Cat's Cradle
Breakfast of Champions: or, Goodbye, Blue Monday
Welcome to the Monkey House
Hocus Pocus(not the movie)
Fates Worse Than Death
God Bless You Mister Rosewater
Mother Night
The Sirens of Titan
Slapstick: Or Lonsome no more
Blue Bird

***No the order does not matter, I simply placed them in the order of popularity/higher rated!.***Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't had the chance to read any of those yet, but my friend who is extraordinarily brilliant strongly reccommends "Cat's Cradle!."

Personally, I think everybody who votes should have to read "Harrison Bergeron" at least once before every election day!. But that's a Vonnegut short story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Cat's Cradle" is pretty great!. Definitely filled with dark, wry humor!.

I would also suggest checking out some of his non-fiction/ essay work - "Fates Worse than Death" is amazing!! He has some interesting opinions and worldviews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cat's Cradle, definitely!. also, God Bless You Mr!. Rosewater!.
You must be so happy with your recent discovery of Vonnegut!. Reading him makes one feel so well accompanied!Www@QuestionHome@Com

His very obscure first novel, The brotherhood of the traveling buttsex models!.Www@QuestionHome@Com