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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you keep a double entry reading journal for novels?

Question: How do you keep a double entry reading journal for novels!?
What would you write about!?

How long should entries be!?

How many entries should there be per novel!?

Any input you have will be greatly appreciated =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In a double-entry journal the first column is a summary/quote of what you read!. The second column is your reaction/connection to it!. I'd say each entry should be at least a paragraph so about 5-10 sentences!.

Entries per novel will depended on the style in which the novel was written!. Some novels are broken down into small books while others are your standard chapters!. I would break it down into events that take place within the actual story!. If your doing it for a class, you may have several short entries per chapter!. Just put a entry every time the natural flow in the story pauses!.

If you are using Microsoft Word instead of a regular paper in pen just set up columns!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We've done those in my English class quite a bit, so hopefully my teacher's method is pretty similar to yours!

On the left column, list the summary, quotes, new characters who are introduced, etc!. On the right column, write your interpretation, your predictions, and your analysis!.

You should probably do at least one journal per chapter!.

Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com