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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Title of this old RUSSIAN children's book? Adventure story about a boy trave

Question: Title of this old RUSSIAN children's book!? Adventure story about a boy traveling!?
I read this book in Russian!.!.!. although I don't know if it was translated into Russian or if it was originally Russian!. It was actually a series of three books (maybe more, but three is what I read)!.

The book is about a boy who lives with his aunt and uncle until his explorer dad comes to take him away!. They travel through I think Australia or New Zealand, and then to other places!. In one book I think they're in the Himalayas!.

I'd like to know the title of this, and also if it was ever translated into English!. I could read it in Russian again I guess, but my Russian is kind of rusty so it would be great if it were in English!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's the Tomek series, and they were translated from Polish!. They're by Alfred Szklarski!. There's no English translation!.

They can all be downloaded for free online as ebooks!. I got all of them off of various sites!. In Russian, of course!. My Russian (reading, at least) sucks!.!.!. ten words a minute if I'm lucky!.!.!. it's like deciphering code!. LOL

Try the links I gave!. The first goes to the author's wiki page which lists all the titles, and the next ones go to a site where you can download some of the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com