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Question: Breaking DAwn midnight release parrty!?
What is there going to be at the midnight release party at barnes and noble!? the party starts at 10 what time should i get there!? Another questoin is Do boys read twilight!? cus my brother wanted to read it but i told him that he wouldn't liek it but do boys read twilight and what is there going to be at the midnight release party at barnes and noble!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well, i have heard that there will be fun twilight related things at the release party, and i know sooooo many boys that have read it, it is not just a girls book, and from what i have heard from boys (i!.e!. my boyfriend and various others) is that they somewhat understand girls much better!. if the party starts at ten, wouldn't it make sense to get there at ten!? i mean you could be fashionably late if you want, but not too late or you will miss all the fun!.
p!.s!. more boys should read it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First question; get there at about 9:45 or so, so you're there in time with a little time to spare to make sure everything is in order; if you are wearing a costume, to make sure everything is as it should be, and if you're bringing friends, to meet around that time so you'll be together previous to the party!.

Second question!. Do boys read Twilight!? Of course! Twilight is not exclusively girls-only!. There's a lot more to it than just Edward Cullen xD Anyway, there are many guy-fans out there too!. You can find them on Youtube, or there is a website about a guy who is reading the series (he's on New Moon now)!. He has a post for each chapter her's read, as well as stories about other guys who have read and loved the series!. Let him read it, he'll probably enjoy it :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

im going to a release party at my barnes and noble!.
i was just going to come at ten when it starts!.

im not dressing up or anything!.

and i already preordered my copy, so i shouldnt have to wait in line or anything to get one!.

but if you didnt do that, then i dont know!.

oh, and one of my best guy friends is OBSESSED with twilight!.
so you should let your brother read it, he might like it!.

I'm not sure if every barnes and nobles is doing the same thing but the one near me ( south florida) is having trivia contests,debates(edward!.!.!.is gonna win or jacob!.!.!.ugh), a costume contest and a poster contest!.!.!.that is all I know so far!. Me and my friends are going to the store at like 8:00 !.!.!.but people near me are really into it!. If I were you I would go early just to be sure! Oh and some boys do read Twilight and enjoy it!.!.!.!.I encourage them to read it and take notes haha : )hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some guys read Twilight!. If he starts to read it and likes it then good for him!. Get threr around 10 or 11 because the book goes on sale at midnight!. At the Harry Potter parties they had little games and stuff like that!. I don't know what they will do for Breaking Dawn but the theme is Prom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YOu can just look it up on the internet!. Boys most likely don't read them, because it's basically all about love, an fate, and vampires!. plus, they're jealous of Edward Cullen! ( COugh)Www@QuestionHome@Com