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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the book The Shining better than the movie? What about It?

Question: Is the book The Shining better than the movie!? What about It!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Books are always better than movies!. They have more detail and description of things you wouldn't even think about from movies!. They also have people's quiet thoughts inside their heads and their feelings!. Plus, when you read, you can make up the images as you go!. You can imagine your own movie inside your head as you read along!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book was about 17 times better than the movie!. Stephen King does a lot of writing that just does not translate well to film!. It is so easy to fall into his written moments, but how can you make hedges moving translate into something so unnerving on film!? The best example of King not translating well is from The Stand!. Anybody who has read it knows that "He coughed" is one of the scariest sentences ever written!. There is just no way to translate that!. Though I cannot recommend every Stephen King book, if you are interested enough from the movie you are in for a treat when you read the The Shining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best part of the book:
Steven King's language, narrative, humor and dialogue in top-notch in modern fiction!. It's easy reading!. The story and the psychological profiles are intense!.

Best part of the movie:
Obviously, Jack nailed that part!. The lighting, the set design, and the overall handling of the plot in a specific time frame were excellent!.

I like both, but I tend to go back to the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books are always better because of all the scenes that have to be cut to fit a time frame, and a lot of detail is lost, look at the Harry potter movies, almost unrecognisable in content, although the movies are still Good!. I like to read the book of any movie before I see the film!. The shining is best read in a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is much better than the movie(s)!. So many important parts of the book are left out, or completely changed, in the movie with Nicholson that they may as well have changed the title!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Shining may be one of the three or four movies I can recall that was better than the book!.
Nicholson totally captured the character of Jack Torrance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books are almost always better than movies and The Shining is no different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So much better than the movie! I was just so lost in the book that I began to smell oranges too! (Need to read book!)Www@QuestionHome@Com