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Question: Sequel to P&P!?
Hey there, I was wondering if someone had written a sequel to Pride and Predujice!. If so, are any (if more than one) of them good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't read any!. But here's a great list for you to check out!. It lists just about all of them and you can check out the reviews!


The Republic of Pemberley - a very big and thorough Jane Austen Fan site, has a sequels page!. You can check reviews there!.


Orginal Fan Fiction from Pemberley members is located there in the Bits of Ivory Archive Page!. Sadly, the RoP no longer accepts new submissions!.


On the advice of a friend whom I used to trust, I read one called "Mr!. Darcy Takes A Wife" by Linda Berdoll!. It was pretty much a romance novel featuring characters called Elizabeth, Jane, Darcy, Bingley and so forth!. It was awful!. Her effort to write in Austen's style consisted of occasionally using words like, 'felicity'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if it would be a sequel per se, but Pamela Aidan has written a trilogy retelling P&P from Darcy's point of view!. I'm reading the first one (And Assembly Such as This) right now and I can tell you it is very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there was, I wouldn't read it!. It would probably be worse than Scarlett: The Sequel to Gone With the Wind!. Another author trying to pick up where Jane Austen left it for good!. It's fine! Leave it!.


There are many!. All of them are terrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com