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Question: Writing a novel!?
I want to write a teen novel!.
Anyone got any plot ideas!?
Or any suggestions!?
I want this to be really good!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whatever you do don't do a romantic comedy, that will appeal to a few teenagers, but for a larger crowd try a regular comedy in which the main character has some kind of struggle doing something stupid!. (Kind of like Superbad but not so extreme)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good for you :) I'm an author, too, and I'm writing a teen novel!. I looked everywhere for answers to this question for my own self, and then I realized something!. If you take someone else's plot idea, EVEN if they suggest it to you willingly, they can sue you for copyright infringement!. So, the best thing you can do really is to think up your own idea!. Don't worry, something will come to you!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I can't help you come up with any plot ideas!. Just think about something that interests you and start writing!.

Answer mine!?

I also am writting a teen novel!. I think that the best books are about your life or something that you wish was happening but only subsatuting names in real life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com