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Question: New Moon!? Twilighters only!!?
I've just started reading it!. I loved Twilight because of the Bella and Edward thing but I really don't like Jacob!. I think he's horrid actually (no offence jacob fans)!. I'm only through the first few chaps when Edward has just left and I'm suffering from the no Edward thing already!. Can anyone tell me if it gets better

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ok, don't worry about edward leaving, because duh, he's gonna come back!. Don't let this ruin the rest of New Moon!. New Moon is about Jacob and Bella!. THis becomes important in Eclipse

It does get better at the end :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

New Moon = the most boring book of the Twilight series!.

For reals!.

Bella does some stupid things to hear voices in her head!. That's not being in love, that's call for a psychiatrist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com