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Question: Can anyone stop you from self-publishing a book, even if they think it's crappy!?
I heard that if you self-publish a book, you won't have to go through agents, & you don't have to worry about rejection!. Is this true or not!. I just need verification!.

I heard the only disadvantage would be paying lots of extra money, & the book not selling well!.

Is it true that you have to put up @ least $5,000 to publish a book, & they give you 1,000 copies to start off with!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with the other answerers!.

For most people, they only look at the good involved: no agents, no publishers, no middle men!. They get to keep all of their portion of the sales, all the rights and all the control!. They don't stop to think that they will have to do all the promoting!. Even one of the promotional packages you can purchase through them will not be enough!. It will certainly start you off, but you will have to do a lot of additional advertising!. Books don't sell themselves!. You could spend thousands of dollars and sell only a few hundred books!. Bookstores are extremely wary about featuring self-published books in their stores, unless the author is already well-known!.

There are many self-publishers out there with many different packages, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars!. Some of them don't actually print your books off until someone orders them!. Some send you a few copies and then expect you to buy more and sell them yourself!. Then there are POD, people who "print on demand!." You send them what you want to have made, and they print however many copies you want at a predetermined price!. But they don't offer such services as the self-publishers do!. You can spend more money at places like LuLu, AuthorHouse and more to have the manuscript evaluated and edited!. But these services are not cheap at all (editing alone with cost you thousands, at the very least)!. They will make your book better, but you still have to sell it!. There are so many options out there, though, and you really have to weigh them and see how much you want to spend!.

1000 books for $5,000 seems like a little too much!. It really depends on the business!.

In the end, the only person deciding whether to self-publish is you!. The people printing it won't care, as long as they get paid!. If you think self-publishing is for you, then go for it! None of us here will stop you!. But either way, good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are numerous self-publishing agencies, some more professional than others!.

One of the big disadvantages, is that in general, NONE of them give your work a stamp of approval!. Being self-published isn't a thing you can flaunt!. No one will take your work seriously!. No vetting, or editing has taken place!. You haven't been selected!.

Sorry to be a damp squid, but it's reality!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've self published 4 books to date!.
They don't read them, it's all computerised!. Obviously if you break any laws like plagiarism or promoting obscene propaganda for example then you would be prosecuted like anyone else would!.
The website I use is www!.lulu!.com
They are very popular and are 'technically' free!. You should check them out, read their FAQ's and make up your own mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While no one can stop you, if someone feels your book is libelous or an infringement of their copyright, they can certainly sue you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's kind of like paying a prostitute to tell you that she loves you!. Nobody can stop you but - why would you want to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com