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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any ideas for nice but unusual names for the characters in my novel?

Question: Any ideas for nice but unusual names for the characters in my novel!?
Three Sisters!. One is Twenty, One is fourteen and the youngest is just five!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some ideas:

Lyric: French, "lyre"
Maeve: Irish, "intoxicating" *pronounced May-vee*
Sage: English, "sage"
Haven: English, "safe place"
Keely: Irish, "strife/war"
Hadley: Old English, "heather meadow"
Persis: Greek, "from Persia"
Azura: Spanish, "sky blue"
Rio: Spanish, "river"
Allegra: Greek, "happy & jaunty"
Monet: namesake, Claude Monet
Leilani : Hawaiian, "heavenly lei"
Adelaide : Germanic, "noble kind"
Lola : Spanish, "sorrow"
Ainsley : Old English, "clearing"
Isadora : Latin, "gift of Isis"
Bronte : English, "literary namesake"
Gemma : Latin, "gem"
Dulce : Italian, "sweet"
Briony : Greek, "climbing plant"
Ophelia : Greek, "help/aid"
Willow : English, Willow Tree
Rowen: Gaelic, "little red one"
Scout: English, "observer"
Ari: Arabic, bring rain
Tallulah: Gaelic, "abundance"
Aiyana : Native American, "forever flowering"
Matilda: Germanic, "powerful battler"
Amelia: Germanic, "work/effort"
Valentina: Latin, "strong"
Arabella: Latin, "prayerful"
Modest: French Canadian, pronounced muh-dess
Sadie: Hebrew, "princess"
Orela: Latin, "announcement from the gods"
Maisie: Gaelic, pet form of Mairead
Avalon: Celtic, "island of apples"
Serafina: Hebrew, "burning ones"

Do you like any of those!? Here are some lovely combos I thought of (in order from eldest sister to youngest)

Avalon, Isadora & Briony
Serafina, Persis & Dulce
Willow, Scout & Rowen
Ophelia, Adelaide & Lola
Allegra, Gemma & Ari
Hadley, Bronte & Rio

Hope I helped!. Good luck:)Www@QuestionHome@Com