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Question: Good Fantasy Romance books/series!?!?!?
I love to read fantasy novels that are also romance based!!
for ex!. i just recently finished reading the Meredith Gentry Series by Laurell K!. Hamilton and Her Anita Blake series also!.!.!.which i highly recommend!!! they were awesome!.!.!.but i really enjoy those types of books it don't necessarily have to have vampires or fairies in it!.!.but i do like books with magic and romance so any suggestions are welcome!!! thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nora Roberts has some good trilogies !. !. !.The Concannon Sisters, 3 books called!. !. !.Born in Fire, Born in Ice, and Born in Shame !. !. !. !.I guarantee you will love them !. !. !.I was hook on these and went on to read almost all her books
Thanks for telling me about Laurell K!. Hamilton!. !. !.I'll check her out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out Christine Feehan: The Drake Sisters, its about sisters who are witches; The Carpathians about vampires: and Ghost-walkers about military men who have been genetically enhanced and have telekinesis and stuff!. If you like magic check this author out Evans, Quinn T!.
Merlin’s Legacy
Daughter of Fire
Daughter of the Mist
Daughter of Light
Dawn of Camelot
Daughter of Camelot
Shadow’s of CamelotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try the vampire Huntress legends by L!. A!. Banks, warning their are adult situations and language!. dont read if you would feel uncomfortable reading a book like that!. but it is very good, and its about 9 books long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

DN Angel - the magna is great

vampire knight - is a really good seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com