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Question: Carl Hiaasen!?
I hope I spelled his last name right!. I love his books, and I've read them all, and I'm looking for new books to read!. does anyone know of any authors with a similar writing style, with satirical writing, or just as funny/entertaining as Carl Hiaasen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An older author that I discovered in high school was Donald Westlake!. He has a real quirky sense of humor and writes in a pretty sarcastic tone!. He has several books that have been made into movies, like Hiaasen!. Even though most of his stuff was written in the 1960's, it's really not dated and still funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've already received many good suggestions!. I will only add that there are some authors and books recommended by Carl Hiaasen, himself, which you may be interested in reading!.

You will find a list of them here (at the bottom of the page): http://www!.fantasticfiction!.co!.uk/h/carl!.!.!. For instance, about Dave Barry (and his book Tricky Business), Carl Hiaasen says "One of the funniest writers alive!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must admit that I haven't read much by Hiassen, but I love his type of writing, and so I read a lot of similar authors!. My favs (and the ones most often compared to his books) are Terry Pratchett and Christopher Moore!. Moore in particular is hilarious in all of his books, and has a quirky mix of reality, humor, and strange fantasy (not fantasy, persay, more like myth-- his topics range from the Grim Reaper to vampires, with all kinds of stuff that's entirely unrelated to fantasy), while Pratchett's "Good Omens" is entirely hilarious!. Oh, and if you like Pratchett, try Neil Gaiman, his co-writer-- my absolute favorite author of all time!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like the crime & corruption & scams part of Hiaasen, some of Elmore Leonard's books might suit you!. (Others, esp!. earlier ones, less so!.) Donald Westlake also writes funny caper books, as did Ross Thomas!. If you are more interested in social satire, perhaps Christopher Buckley -- Thank You For Smoking, and other books!.

And my favorite recent comic novels -- The Spellman Files and The Curse of the Spellmans, by Lisa Lutz!. Really funny and entertaining, and I find them more touching than the Hiaasen I read, though there is less political/social satire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read your list of answers, since today every question is up for many hours!.

Just thought I'd ask if you've read the master's work: Kurt Vonnegut!.
Suggest Cat's Cradle if not (plus everything else he wrote)!. The book I mention is one of my faves, and one of Vonnegut's too, as written by him and quoted on some site I came across, researching stuff!.

Kurt Vonnegut was the true voice of funny, and telling, satire!.
Still sorry he's gone!. The books carry him now, quite well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terry Pratchett is definitely great!.
Michael McClelland is also very good!. He's only written two books so far, but they are of a similar style to Hiaasen - goofy mysteries set in Florida!.
Christopher Moore - start with Lamb
Matt Ruff - The Fool on the HillWww@QuestionHome@Com

My favourite author is Terry Pratchett, and he writes humorous sci-fi/fantasty books!. I liked Carl Hiaasen's books as well, so you might enjoy Terry Pratchett's books!. I read his 'Discworld' series, and it's really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two Hiaasen like novels are
The Many Apects of Mobile Home Living
Plain Heathen Mischief both by Martin Clark

also Check out author Tim DorseyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try Christopher Moore!. Even Carl Hiaasen writes blurbs on the backs of Mr!. Moore's books saying he is a very sick man -in the nicest way!. My favorite is Lamb, but they are all hilarious!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com