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Question: Childrens book where they are searching for a dragon!.!?
In the book the characters are on a quest to find a Dragon!. At the end of the book it is revealed that the Dragon IS the mountain that they have been searching for the dragon on!. The geographical features are just different parts of the dragon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I saw that title and instantly remembered this book from when I was a kid (I loved it haha, and my little sister does too)

It has an old guy, who seems to be a bard or something, and a kid whos reading the book, and they run off into the story with their pony, and in the end they end up on this icy mountain top that is the dragons head!?

Its called Dragon Quest
by Allan Baillie
illustrated by Wayne Harris

Hope this helps

Where's the Dragon!? by Richard and Jason Hook

You feel the pages to locate the dragon!. The boy sees him all along, but the grandfather is blind, deaf, and oblivious!. It's a wonderful book!. At one point the grandfather walks into the dragon's mouth believing it is a cave!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Stones Are Hatching,

In this book, they have to stop the dragon, before it kills everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
